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'An open rebuke is better than hidden love.'
                                                        -Proverbs 27:5

'We leave pieces of ourselves everywhere. Every time we meet someone, they take some of us and we take some of them. That's how it is. Little particles stick us together. Bit by bit. I think that's what makes us whole.'
                        -Evidence Of Things Not Seen.


They arrived at the offices of Turkson, Wilson & Boateng thirty minutes after nine. Kodjo who was beyond late rushed them through the doors and into the elevators. He decided though, to stop at the reception and check up on Karen.

When the elevator opened at the reception, he leaned out and did a quick sweep of the place. Karen though was nowhere to be found. He did find Old Sarge at the reception desk grumbling darkly to herself. He was too late to talk to her and most importantly he didn't particularly want to, so, he pulled himself back into the elevators and punched the button for the eighteenth floor.

Before the elevator doors had fully opened at his floor, he darted out, dragging a harassed looking El with him. He sprinted them through the hallways, mumbling quick apologies to those he pushed out of his way.

They finally made it to his office and El, exhausted, immediately plopped down on a swivel chair facing the L-shaped desk. Kodjo took some time to check his papers before, also finally taking a seat.

He powered up his laptop and took several deep breaths to regain his composure. He leaned over and pressed the intercom button, 'Sandy, could you come into my office for a minute?' he spoke into it.

The telephone at his desk began to ring but before he could answer it, the door popped open to reveal a beaming Karen.

'Where have you been?' she asked immediately.

'I was late,' he retorted. 'What are you doing here?'

'You called,' she replied with a mischievous grin.

'I called for Sandy,' he said in puzzlement. He paused and narrowed his eyes at her. 'You have your, 'I fucked with someone to get what I want,' smile on your face,' he stated suspiciously. 'Where is my secretary? What did you do to Sandy?'

'Haven't you figured it out? Your secretary is right here in front of you,' she announced happily.

'You?' he asked incredulously. 'How did you do it? Sorry, I asked the wrong question. Who did you do?'

'First, I'm offended you asked that question. How can you think so lowly of me?!,' she responded with an exaggerated look of pain. 'I'm not some cheap slut who sleeps with just anyone.'

'Yes, you are,' he deadpanned.

'You're right I am,' she agreed. 'Don't say it so raw though. It still hurts.'

'No, it doesn't,' Kodjo replied with a straight face.

'Second, who is that?' she asked, looking at El.

'That's my new client,' Kodjo answered dismissively. 'El, Karen. Karen, El,' he introduced shortly. 'Now spill.'

Karen waved happily at El who smiled and waved back. She flopped on a chair and crossed her legs. 'Where to begin,' she began, tapping her chin contemplatively. 'Alright, so it all started after I was saddled with Old Sarge. At first, I was thrilled to be working with her you know. I was going to learn from a master. I mean, she did sleep with one of the owners and got herself a nice deal from it.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now