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'So then, to the King of Ages, to the immortal, invisible, solitary God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen.'
                                                    -1 Timothy 1:17

'It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.'
                                                          -André Gide


They sat in the waiting area on the ground floor, waiting for Ato to wrap up his case and join them. The boy was drumming his fingers on the steel chair with his usual absent-minded expression present on his face. Kodjo, on the other hand, was thinking of how best to find out more about his strange client like Ato had suggested. Outright asking wouldn't help, as his client wasn't in the right state of mind, but as he had no other ideas, he decided to give it a shot.

'Hey, um, you said you were God, right?' he began tentatively.

'That's correct,' his client answered.

'So, uh, where do you come from?'

His client turned to give him a look that clearly showed how stupid he thought the question was. 'I'm God. Take an educated guess. Where do you think I come from?'

'Oh, right. Heaven,' He answered with a nervous chuckle.

'Of course, Heaven,' his client replied sarcastically. 'Where else do you think? The moon? Mars?'

'Alright, I get it. No need to get sarcastic.' Kodjo responded with a straight face. 'I just wanted to be clear. This all new for me you know.'

'Fine.' His client huffed.

'So, do you have any family here on earth?' he continued.

'Yes, I do.'

Kodjo brightened up at that. 'Really? Who?' he asked hopefully. With any luck, he could find them and hand his client over to them.

'You,' his client answered simply. 'And all the other humans in the world. I created everything and everyone, therefore, everything and everyone are my family.'

He almost face-palmed at that. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. 'I mean a nuclear sort of family. Parents, uncles, aunts, that sort of thing,' he clarified.

'I don't have parents because no one brought me into being. I wasn't created, but I always existed.'

Kodjo groaned in frustration. 'Right. Of course.'

His client smiled understandingly at him. 'You don't believe me, do you?' It wasn't more of a question than it was a statement.

'I'm finding it hard to believe.' Kodjo agreed warily. 'Try putting yourself in my shoes. You are living a normal enough life with absolutely no proof of the divine, then one day, out of the blue, you meet a strange boy who claims he is the God of all creation. How would you have taken it?'

The boy hummed thoughtfully for a few seconds before answering. 'Probably the same way I suppose.'

'So, you see my point?'

'Indeed. In fact, all things considered, you are handling if far better than most and certainly more than I give you credit for. Most people would have chucked me into an asylum.'

'Oh, the thought did certainly cross my mind.' Kodjo replied with a grin. 'And I may or may not have looked up the nearest ones and searched for a vacancy.'

His client's eyes narrowed in mock anger. 'You wouldn't?!'

'Won't I?' Kodjo quipped. 'I did find one with an amazing meal-plan, and another with nice rooms. Would you like me to make a reservation?' he asked sweetly, eyes glittering with amusement.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now