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'Love your enemies.'
-Luke 6:35

'Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?'
-Albus Dumbledore


'I think I broke him.'

Kodjo was in the kitchen making lunch. He had called Ato after El had not shown up for breakfast and was not appearing for lunch.

Ato let out a heavy sigh. 'What did you do?'

'I might have exposed him a bit too harshly to the reality that he was crazy.'

Ato stared mournfully down at his half-finished sandwich. Well, there goes lunch.

He stood up and made his way out of the cafeteria. 'I thought we agreed to handle this delicately.'

'I was planning to, but I had no plan and, he was leading us on a wild goose chase, and... I have no excuse, do I?'

'No, you do not?'

Kodjo sighed and leaned on the counter. 'What do I do now?'

'Now, you do nothing. Give him his space to process everything as I'm sure he's got a lot of things to process. I'm on my way.'

'I don't think that would be a good idea. You are right he does need space and, I don't think us moving about the apartment would help with that.'

Ato paused in front of the elevators. 'What do you suggest then?'

'How about I come to you? You are at the Law Courts Complex, right?'

'Right. Third floor.'

'Alright, I'm on my way.'

Kodjo placed his phone on the counter and cast a worried glance in the direction of El's room. He quickly finished his lunch and, picking a plate, walked towards El's door.

He knocked softly. 'El, hey buddy, how are you doing in there?'

No response.

He sighed and said, 'Well, I will be out for a while, so if you get hungry, lunch is on the counter.'

He placed the plate back on the counter and walked out of the apartment, locking the door softly behind him.

As he made his way down the corridor, towards the elevators, he was accosted by Nana who had a worried look on her.

'Francie, what happened last night? Are you alright? Where's El? Is he fine? What's going on? Do you need food?'

He raised his hands to calm her down and halt her rapid barrage of questions. 'Calm down, Nana. Everything is fine. We had a bit of disappointment last night and El just needs some time to adjust.'

Nana did not seem reassured. 'Are you sure? If you need food, I can whip up something quickly. It's no bother.'

'Trust me, Nana. We don't need food, we've got a fridge and cupboard stocked full. Everything is fine, I'm just going out to meet someone.'

'If you say so. I can check up on El while you are out. Make sure he's fine and isn't starving to death.'

Kodjo looked reassuringly at her. 'That won't be necessary. He needs space for now. And stop worrying, it's not good for your health.'

Nana nodded hesitantly and Kodjo swept her up in a comforting hug before leaving.

He entered his car quickly after he got off the elevator but before he had a chance to press the ignition, his phone rang. It was the chairman.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now