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'God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM". He said: "Thus shall you say to the sons of Israel: 'HE WHO IS has sent me to you.'" -Exodus 3:14

'Ordinary moments make extraordinary memories.'
-Walt Disney


Kodjo led his client to the lawyer's cafeteria on the third floor where he had initially met Ato. He ordered burgers and fries with two cans of soda for them both.

'Well?' Kodjo began after they had taken their seats.

'Well, what?'

'I'm waiting,' he said hopefully, a bright smile on his face.


'Thank you,' he answered, looking mildly offended.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows. 'For what? I know I've done many things, but what exactly are you thanking me for?'

A stunned look appeared on Kodjo's face. He blinked his eyes once, twice, then just shook his head in disappointment.

'You're welcome,' he said finally, giving up.

The boy looked lost. 'I don't understand.' He threw him a worried look. 'Are you alright? Maybe the stress is finally getting to you.'

'I was expecting a thank you after getting you off with absolutely no sentence and repercussions.' Kodjo explained tiredly. 'But just forget about it.'

'Oh.' The boy blinked his eyes. 'But I didn't get to see a jury.'

'The whole point was not to make you see a jury.' Kodjo responded exasperatedly.

Ato then walked in, just as their food arrived. He threw himself down tiredly and opened the top buttons of his shirt.

'How did your case go?' he enquired in greeting, reaching over to take a long gulp of Kodjo's soda drink.

'Well,' his client answered. 'It went well, I think.'

'Well?!' Kodjo exclaimed incredulously. 'It was excellent! Far better than expected, that's for sure. For a moment there, when the prosecutor produced the photos, I thought we were lost.'

'You don't say?' Ato replied, swiping some of Kodjo's fries and chewing them amusedly.

'I do say,' Kodjo asserted firmly, 'Though my ungrateful client seems to think differently.'

'I didn't get to see a jury,' his client reiterated. 'Though, now that you are here,' he began, turning to Ato. 'You might indulge him in his obsessive need for praise and approval.'

'I don't have an obsessive need for praise and approval.' Kodjo exclaimed defensively. 'I just want some appreciation for my hard work, is that so wrong?'

'To be fair, you do have an obsessive need for praise and approval.' Ato said thoughtfully, munching more of Kodjo's fries.

'Well, if that's what you think, then get your own goddamn food.' Kodjo snapped, snatching his plate away from Ato's grasp.

'Oh come on.' Ato whined, desperately stretching to reach the food, but Kodjo just held it further away.

'You can have some of mine,' the boy offered.

'Thanks, bro.' Ato said gratefully. 'I'm famished. Two cases in court at the same time is no stroll in the park.'

Kodjo humphed in irritation. He shot them both a dirty look and proceeded to ignore them.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now