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Dedicated to His Excellency Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings.

'For we walk by faith, not by sight.'
                                                  -2 Corinthians 5:7

'Sometimes in life, all you got to do is take a leap of faith.'


'The who?'

El rolled his eyes in frustration. 'The Three Fates. They are the daughters of time. The guardians of destiny. The mothers of Karma. The impersonations of fortune and chance.'

Kodjo still looked lost.

El sighed. 'I guess I have to explain from the beginning then.

'It was a time after the birth of Time. The universe was newly created, and its fate, unknown. Three children were born to Time; Clotho, Lachesis and, Atropos and they were called, The Daughters of Time.

'Before Time began his Great Slumber, we met and agreed to give his daughters dominion over Time, so that while he slept, the flow of time would continue unhindered and unthreatened.

'Atropos, being the eldest, was given dominion over the Past. Lachesis, the next daughter, was given dominion over the Present, and Clotho, the youngest, was given dominion, over the Future. With the protection of time assured, Time slept, and he would awaken at the End of Ends.

'Though the fate of time was assured, the fate of the universe, however, was not. In order to protect the destiny of the universe and safeguard the twists of fate, we decided to engrave the Dimono into the Krachan. Now, the Krachan is a set of laws enacted before the Dawn of Time. All power and energy derive their source from the Krachan, and without the Krachan, the very fabric of time and reality would unravel, and the universe would self-destruct. Even I cannot go against the laws written in the Krachan.

'The Dimono granted the three daughters the Divine Mandate over fate. The fate of everyone in the universe, man, god, angels, and others, rests directly in the hands of the sisters. Using the threads of fate, they sit in their cave, spinning every single thread into the Grand Tapestry of Life.'

Kodjo sat back and stretched out his limbs. 'So what you are saying is, the three fates are real. However, I don't get how they are going to help you find your way back to heaven.'

'Haven't you been paying attention? The Sisters of Fate hold the threads of destiny in their hands. They know everything that has happened, that is happening and, that will happen. It stands to reason that they know how I lost my powers and, therefore, how to get them back.'

'That's all very well, but do we know where they are or where they live?'

El rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 'Well, my memory is not what it used to be but I distinctly recall that they lived at the topmost part of the Cliff of Abyss, in a cave located in the darkest and brightest corner of space, on the brim of reality, behind the cusp of time at the very edge of the universe.'

'Right,' Kodjo's expression was shifting between incredulity and amusement. 'And how, if I may ask, are we supposed to get there? It might have escaped your notice but we can't very well drive there.'

El glared at him. 'I'm not stupid. Of course, I know we cannot drive there, it's complete and utter madness.'

'That's the madness?'  Kodjo thought incredulously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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