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'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.'                                                                 ~Revelation 22:13

'Lower your expectation of earth. This isn't heaven so don't expect it to be'                                                                  -Max Lucado


What makes us human?

A question that has been asked and debated since the beginning of the human race. The first question thought by the first man when he formed the first conscious thought. Who am I?

So, what is the answer to this age-old question? What makes us who we are? What differentiates us from other creatures? Why do we do the things we do? 

As simple as this question is, its answer is not so much so.

There are so many opinions as to the answer. Some say that it is how we look; our distinct unique features that makes us human. Some also claim that it is our ability to form complex thoughts and logical reasoning that makes us human. Others are of the opinion that our speech is what makes us human. Others even go on to say that our ability to feel, our emotions, is what makes us human.

The truth is that all these are correct and the mere fact that we possess such difference in opinion is a fundamental trait that makes us human. But even though correct, these opinions do not adequately encompass all that it means to be truly human, a person.

Human beings are a weak and imperfect race. That is the truth. We are ruled by our greediness. Governed by its selfish desires, we are limited by the bounds of the flesh and inhibited by our mortality. It is this same flesh which houses and protects our immortal soul. The very same flesh that, if unchecked, causes its very corruption.

We are purposefully destroying our own home and abusing the love of mother nature and her benevolent gifts. Oh, the pity and stupidity of the human race that seeks to studiously destroy and corrupt all that is good for them!

Despite all these gloom-ridden traits, there is a simple yet complex, sublime yet lowly, intricate beauty to being human. The empathy, love, kindness, and unwavering loyalty that the ordinary human is capable of is astronomical. The connection that humanity has to the earth is one that is so pure, so unique and, so fragile.

Humans are an exceptionally clever and adaptable race. Their ability to make the best of every impossible situation, survive in even the bleakest of circumstances and their never-ending quest to make life the simplest and most comfortable it can be is highly laudable.

It is highly paradoxical and the greatest irony that such a race with such a great capacity for good has an equally great capacity for evil.

In fact, no one can truly say what it means to be human, but everyone can feel it. Can experience the complete nuances of humanity. Can understand what it means to be human because we live with it -our humanity, and the abject mortality that comes with it- because we have no choice but to live with it. To carry this burden and gift with us every moment of every day of our lives. For humanity is both a blessing and a curse. Whether it is much more of a blessing or much more of a curse depends on us and how we choose to live our lives.

Something the young boy currently stirring awake is about to learn... the hard way.


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