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2 days till Christmas and Katrina was making sure everything was in place, the house was spotless, and all the decorations looked nice. The last thing she needed to do was go to the store to pick up ham , pineapples, cherries and some glaze. The rest of the food was already handled thanks to her grandmother her mom and Amir's grandmother.

"Amir I'll be back I'm going run to the store really fast"she yelled up the stairs

"Hold on I'm coming too" he walked down the stairs look down at his phone as he met up with Katrina.

"Alright come on" she grabbed his keys but he quickly took them from her.

"I wasn't playing you really not driving my car no more"

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes

"So what you gotta get from the store" he started up the car making his way to Walmart.

"I have to get the ham and then the stuff for the ham and now that I'm thinking about it I'm gonna get some bell peppers and just make those too since I've been craving some stuffed bell peppers" she typed it into her notes

"As long as you making some more baked macaroni I'm good"

"Don't worry I'm still making that I'm just doing it on Christmas so it can be fresh"

"How's the shop coming along ma"

"It's been going really good other then some drama here and there everything has pretty much been running smoothly"

"I'm proud of you girl" he placed his hand of her thigh rubbing it up and down

"Amir stop you know I'm emotional" she fanned her eyes.

"I'm serious mamas you're an incredible person inside and out and your so beautiful, your an amazing mother and you strive for what you want i love that the most about you" he kissed the back of her hand just as they pulled up.

"Thank you baby" she reached over grabbing his face and kissing him. They both got out the car as Amir wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked in.

Katrina grabbed a basket and of course she wiped it down before using it. She began pushing it going straight to the isle  while Amir was behind her touching different things

"Amir stop touching stuff, acting like you five"

"I'm just being curious" he put his hands down and into his pocket.

"If you not paying for it then don't touch nothing" and with that she walked away retrieving all the items she needed before walking to self check out noticing Amir picking up some speakers.

"Amir what you need those for"

"These claim to have more bass so i wanna see which ones better" she shook her head at him before ringing up all the items and paying for them. Amir took the bags from her as they walked back to the car and placed the bags in before starting their way back home while listening to whatever was playing in the background.

"What tine my lil man suppose to be coming over"

"Either later tonight or early tomorrow, i told her if it's too late to just bring him tomorrow so he'll be spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us"

"My boy getting smarter and smarter everyday he be talking to me like he a grown man"

"Yes that little boy is something else" Katrina laughed thinking about him.

They finally pulled back up to the house, Katrina unlocked the door as Amir brought the bags in, she closed it behind him and locked it following where he was go see him unpack everything and she started to help.

"Where you want me to put the ham"

"In the fridge it have to be thawed out so i cook it with no problem tomorrow evening" she said putting the bread crumbs up. They finished up everything in no time and was now sitting on the couch cuddled up after taking a shower and were now watching a movie which they weren't really paying attention to it.

"Kay i have a question"

"What's up boo" she gave him her undivided attention.

"I didn't wanna bother you about it again but i wanna talk about this move in situation , i really think we should do it , it only makes sense"

"I've been putting a lot of thought in it too and i think we can give it a go. We're both in a better place with one another and i feel like it's the change we need honestly. I really wish i could've got something on my own first but this one can pass, and i don't care what we have to go through as long as we work through it together' Amir was cheesing and this was only one step closer to what he had planned.

" i though i would've had to do more convincing but I'm glad we on the same page"

"I mean it only makes sense like you said we basically like together already and we're fine now so what's the wait but you wanna know what my mom asked me"

"What's that"

"If we were having kids anytime soon" they both laughed hard as hell

"Yeah having a kid of my own would nice but Jayden is already enough for me"

"Yeah that's what i was telling her i rather be married and or engaged first"

"The way we be going at it I'm surprised you not pregnant now"

"The power of birth control baby, I'm sure if i wasn't on it I'd definitely be pregnant and lord knows i don't need that right now"

"You ain't lying"

"You ever thought about talking with your mom and dad"

" i mean yeah it cross my mind from time to time but they messed me up so bad when i was younger i really don't know what to expect"

"And that's okay to feel like that, i was same way and the way you pushed me is the same way I'm going to push you when you're ready to take that step and of course it's not gonna be easy at first but remember it's a try and as long as your trying that's all that matters , look at the amazingly handsome and wealthy business man you've became. You should be proud of yourself and give yourself some credit" she grabbed his hands look at him.

"I don't know what I'll do without you  , you a different type of special. Thank you ma i really appreciate it".

"I'll never leave you to fight these battles on your own we're one now so I'm gonna be with you every step of the way.

" i love you girl"

I love you too boo" she said climbing on top of him placing small kisses all over his face before laying down as they finished watching the movie together.

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