Chapter Three

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"But it's different ! Chat protested. I love Ladybug for real."

Marinette finally found the strength to get off her chair, and again, it felt like Paris went silent only to listen to the loud slap on the Dupain cheng's balcony. Chat Noir was speechless. Marinette, the soft sensitive girl, had just slapped him ?

"Did you just assume that I haven't loved Adrien Agreste for real ?" She asked with a cold tone that neither Chat nor her were familiar with.

The young boy stood still, motionless, still unable to grasp his friend's shift of attitude. He couldn't believe it was Marinette standing before him.

"I just assumed so because this Adrien Agreste is a model, yes ? His pictures are all around Paris. He's the son of Gabriel Agreste. Girls are all over him. They admire him for being an Agreste, and that is all. I – assume that he receives countless of love letters too. Do you expect me to think that you don't love him for this ? You, of all people, Marinette, are a fashion lover. Of course you'd admire a shallow man like him for his career."

"I loved him, Chat ! I loved him from the day we met. I fell in love with him the moment we stood under the rain, him and I. I fell in love with his kindness, his selflessness, his honesty, his smile, his gaze. I fell In love with the way he protected his friends. I Fell in love with the way he worked so hard and would still show up with a smile. I fell in love with Adrien Agreste, the boy I met at school, not the boy who was modelling outside. Sure, he is handsome and all, but that's just a plus. It doesn't matter what he does. I love Adrien, the boy I sit behind in class, the passionate boy who loves his friends and family and always tries his best to meet his father's expectations. You assumed I loved him, the "shallow" guy for his career, now what about you ? Should I also assume that you love Ladybug for real ? Not only she had rejected you, but you keep living in denial. You love ladybug, you love ladybug, do you even, know how old she is ? Where she lives ? Where she comes from ? What does she do for a living ? What food does she like ? Is she a dog person or a cat person ? does she have siblings ? What's her name ? You know nothing about her and you pretend you're in love with her ? You're only attracted to her because she's a superhero, because destiny had chosen her to be your partner—"


"You're only attracted to her because you see her work hard to protect Paris from Hawkmoth and fight bravely every single day. You're drawn to her because she's strong and confident, and that is all you can say about her—"


"You are the shallow one Chat, and you are in denial—"


Chat Noir and Marinette were standing inches away from each other. Both in pain, they now looked at each other, angrily, heartbroken. He tried to control his heavy breath and left the roof without saying goodbye – running away from the girl he once cherished the most.


That night, Chat waited hours and hours on the top of Eifel Towel waiting for Ladybug to show up and start their patrol. He'd imagined her coming later that night and give him one of her marvellous smiles, those that melt his heart before and made him feel safe and happy. He'd imagine her apologize for coming late and roam the roofs of Paris with him. But she did not show up. He called her hundreds of times, but she was not answering. He was worry about her, but still – a part of him felt relieved, perhaps because he did not want her to see him so miserable. There he was, a lone cat on the roof of the museum. He stared at the moon is silence and thought about Ladybug. Then he thought about Marinette. He thought about her more than he had ever done before. Marinette. Marinette Dupain Cheng. She was his classmate, his friend – perhaps his dearest friend after Nino. She was honest, kind, cheerful, full of life. But a few hours ago, she was someone else. She wasn't the Marinette he thought he knew. She was... something else. She slapped him. She screamed at him. She had this cold gaze in her eyes. She was hurt, even though he didn't mean to do so. She was hurt, even though she kept saying she was fine. She was sad, angry, and probably disappointed in him, as Adrien Agreste, and as Chat Noir. She really loved Adrien. He could tell by the way she was defending him. He could see the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about him. He was a fool not to believe her. He didn't want to believe her. His heart belonged to Ladybug, Ladybug only. But then again, Ladybug wasn't here. No matter how much times he would confess to her, she would reject him. Marinette was right. He was in denial. He closed his eyes and thought about those blue eyes, that dark hair, those fluffy ponytails. He however didn't know whether he was thinking about Marinette or Ladybug. It was One in the morning, and Chat Noir was still waiting on the Louvre's rooftop. She wasn't there. He had to go home. His mind was full of conflicts, and he had no desire to sleep nor to go home. He jumped from place to place and stopped. One house was still enlightened, the baker's house. He landed on the balcony and knocked on the window. Marinette was still awake, sketching something on her desk. As soon as she saw the shadow of her partner, she ran to open the window. When Chat entered the room, the young girl embraced him with a faint yet warm strength.

"I'm sorry, Chat !" she sobbed on his chest.He could feel the heat from her body.

Her cheeks were red, her eyes full of tears. She's been crying for a moment by now. He hugged her back carefully, like a child who was too afraid to break a doll of glass. He placed his right hand on her hair and pulled her closer to him.

"Why are you apologizing princess ? I'm the one who's been a jerk." He whispered.

She was still crying. She was hugging him so tight, and he didn't mind that. Actually, he somehow liked it, and deep down, he wished they could stay like this for a longer time. He slowly broke the embrace and sat her on her bed. Her face was scarlet, and he didn't know if she was blushing like he was or it was only because of the hours she had spent crying. One thing he knew for sure, his face was burning, and he felt the urge to take her in his arms again.

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