Chapter Six

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"We are friends, aren't we?"
Chat jumped through the window, making his way to Marinette's room. He sat on her bed waiting for her to return from the bakery downstairs.
He watched Adrien's posters on her wall and smiled.
"She really liked me after all.." he whispered.
Her room was a genuine reflection of Marinette : All in pink, a bit messy, but full of work and determination. He walked to her desk where he found some sketches of him. That's when he heard his friend's voice scolding him :
"Curiosity killed the cat, haven't you heard ?"
"But satisfaction brought it back, Chat claimed in victory. I see I've been a good inspiration to you. Good to know you think about me even when you work."
Marinette blushed too hard that it caught Chat's attention.
" Shut up, you silly Cat. Marinette protested as she put the plate of macaroons on her desk. It's just that your posture seemed perfect to work on."
"Well well well, Chat teased as he rested his hand on her forehead. Why are you so red, princess ? Am I too hot to be around ?"
Too close.  They were too close. Chat Noir enjoyed seeing Marinette tormented,  for he never had the chance to see her like this as Adrien. She was a whole different person. She wasn't trying to impress him like other girls would. She never asked him what it was like be Paris' superhero. She always addressed him as Chat, as a friend.
Marinette snapped out and grabbed Chat's arm, only to bite him.
"Ouch ! That hurts." Chat cried in laughter.
"Serves your rights. Marinette defied. That's what happens when you keep messing with me."
Chat chuckled in amusement.
"well ? What's so important that you had to come all the way here ?" Marinette asked.
Chat hesitated for a moment then started:
"I love Ladybug."
Marinette Watch him sitting in nervousness before letting a sigh escape from her.
"I get it. i went too far last night. I shouldn't have made you promise me or whatever. I'm sorry Chat-"
"Do you regret it?" he interrupted, getting closer to her.
"What? "
"Kissing me, do you regret it ?"
Marinette tried to avoid his eyes and looked at her shaking fingers.
" I love Adrien." She said in despair.
Chat stood from his place and gave her a pat on her hair. So this is how it was ? A moment of weakness for her. Of course she was still in love with Adrien Agreste. But why was he feeling so uneasy ?
"But I ..." Marinette breathed, stoping Chat from walking away from her.
"You ?"
"Now I want you, Chat. Not Adrien. I don't know how I can describe this. With you, I feel comfortable. I don't need to think twice before telling you something. I like being with you. I like thinking about you. I like seeing you in my dreams. I like hearing your voice. Chat... this is driving me crazy. Something's telling me I shouldn't feel this way towards you. But I... I don't regret kissing you, Chat."
The young boy stood speechless. How could she play with his heart's strings so easily ?
" Neither do I, Marinette."

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