Chapter Eleven

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[First things first, I hope everyone is okay and everyone feels fine. Please stay home, wash your hands and be safe <3 I'll be posting New chapters every day/every two days hoping that you'll enjoy reading something and stay cosy at home. <3 Having said that, here's a new chapter of Forbidden Kiss.]


Marinette sat shyly on her bed, watching her late visitor roaming the room quietly.Sure she was happy to see him as her own self, but she also was confused. Was he standing on her balcony all night? That thought made her heartbeat faster than before. She raised her head and looked up towards the young boy when her eyes crossed his.

"Uh-Uh- So, well- you look fine!"

Damn it... She did not want to say that. Chat's eyes widened up as she pronounced those words. His gaze was different. A little cold, a little hurt, and little loving.

"Well- You see... The view is perfect from the balcony, isn't it? I suppose you and Ladybug had enjoyed it more than once when I wasn't around, didn't you?"

That's when she saw him walking towards her from the end of her room with so much anger in his steps. She tried to compose her posture but Chat leaned forward until she fell completely on her bed. Now there were only few inches between their faces. His hands were holding his weight on top of his friend's body.


He watched her with a look that she could not comprehend.

"Are you really this stupid, Dupain Cheng?" He whispered with a firm voice.

"Chat let go of me." Marinette begged.

"Where were you?"

"I am not to tell you anything, Chat Noir. Who do you think you are?" she declined

"Where were you?"

"Stay away from me."

"I heard and refused. Now, where were you?"


Before she even finishes her sentence, Chat grabbed her arms tight and sealed her lips with a kiss that lasted long seconds before he leaned back.


"I won't repeat myself much. Where have you gone for an entire month?"

"Why? Why should I tell you? All you are is Chat Noir, hero of Paris, and I am Marinette, one of the many citizens of France, and daughter of a baker. Your heart belongs to Ladybug, and mine to Adrien Agreste. We don't belong together Chat, so let go of me."

"How dare you leave me without answers? How dare you just decide on your own to vanish and let me clueless, terrified, worried and empty without any news from you? Am I not that important to you? Do I not mean anything for you?"


"Am I really not that important in your eyes? Talk to me Marinette."

Marinette was lying on her bed, her arms in the possession of Chat who was right on top of her, with only enough air for both of them to breathe. Her cheeks turned red, and she tried to avoid his gaze at all price.

"It's because I'm in love with you that I left."


"Excuse you?"

Chat rolled on the bed and lied there while Marinette sat beside him. His heart was thumbing like crazy. Had he heard her right? Perhaps it was only his head playing with him.

"I'm in love with you, Chat Noir. For this, I left to Tunisia with my mother. I could not bear the thought of being in love with someone whose heart belong to someone else."

Chat was looking at the girl he had dreamt of for days. Here she was, his princess safe and sound right beside him, looking at him lying on her bed like a child. Her hand ran in his blond hair, and her eyes filled with sparkles of compassion and affection petrified him. She was the medusa of his heart, his love's gorgon.

"Say that again."

Marinette leaned forward and whispered in his ear:" I love you Chat Noir."

That's when his placed his warm hand on his girl's neck and brought her back to his lips. He was thirsty for her, and now he could no longer hold back.

Marinette was kissing him back, and their lips felt like melting with passion and burning from desire. Still kissing, Chat rose up and took his princess in his arms, where she belonged. Her palm was pressed on his cheek, and her eyes were closed. This was purely heaven. His tongue touched her lower lip and slightly bit her as an act of teasing. He felt a smile forming and her eyes open. He was grinning and she found it rather exciting. Her hand was freezing his cheek, his was warming her neck before his tongue ran on Marinette. Now that her neck was wet, she couldn't contain the faint moan which turned him on even more. He grabbed her hair tighter and started biting her softly yet wildly. She was marvellous, he thought. She was a true beauty, and he acknowledged this fact from the day he got to know her.

"Chat..." Marinette pronounced out of breath.

"Hmmm" Chat inhaled in her neck.


Chat's hand moved slowly from Marinette's shoulders down to her waist moving to her breast. With a touch of his fingers, he ran down her nipple and pressed it with delight, causing the young lady to moan harder and grapping him harder. Chat carefully took off her shirt and kissed her chest leaving red marks on her body. She, on the other hand, was rather asking for more. More kissing, more touching, more...


Before they even make another move, A voice came from downstairs.

"Marinette, you okay honey?"

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