Chapter Four

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It was hard to look him in the eyes. It wasn't the first time she'd sat with her partner face to face alone in the dark. Actually, that was one of their rituals as Ladybug and Cat Noir during their patrols. They would exchange looks to feel safe and sound. But tonight, something was different. She wasn't wearing her mask and that made all the difference. She felt exposed to this familiar presence. She didn't have her lucky charm with her, nor her magical yoyo to pin him down whenever he would say one of his annoying puns. She was Marinette, and she was vulnerable. She knew she was wrong when she slapped him later that day, and when she yelled at him and skipped their holy ritual. But she couldn't help it. She was scared, weak, but most of all she was—

" hurt ?" Chat asked, holding her hand.

Marinette thought about faking the smile she had always performed before her friends when she was going through some troubles. But then again, she felt it was unnecessary to do so. After all, Chat Noir was her friend, and she wanted to tell him everything.

"I am, Chat. She whispered with her faint voice. I don't know how I'm supposed to confront him now."

"Well.. I'm sure he'll apologize once he sees you ! Chat laughed nervously. You did nothing wrong, Marinette. He was an idiot not to love someone like you."

Marinette felt her face blushing. His voice was so calming and it made her feel relaxed. She tried to convince herself that he was being nice rather than honest with her however.

"Do you always flirt with random girls like this ?" she chuckled, trying to sooth the mood.

"I only flirt with Ladybug, because I love her. He replied, unconsciously holding her hand even harder. And I don't want you to think that I'm only being nice with you princess. I don't go knocking on random girls' doors and tell them how beautiful their eyes are under the moonlight. I don't invite myself inside people's rooms and ask them for company or check on them."He stopped, and she was praying the room was dark enough for him so he wouldn't notice how red her cheeks were. She could see his face from the weak lights from outside the house, and damn she never noticed how sincere he looked when talking about the girl he loved. His eyes met hers, and he didn't avoid her gaze.

"I'm serious, princess, he continued, placing his right hand on her scarlet cheek. Your eyes are mesmerising under the moonlight, and your cheeks are as warm as my heart when I am around you. Hadn't not be for Ladybug, I would've kissed you right now, and kicked that idiot's ass for not realising how perfect you are."

They say that the night brings out the best and worst in people, and makes them as honest as ever. She was hypnotized, but now she was the one in denial. Her head was screaming " Chat is your partner, Marinette. Don't screw it up !" but her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't focus on her thoughts. His breath was heavy, as if he was holding up on something. He was still looking at her. His hand was still on her cheek. Usually, on such situations, she would've pushed him away – Ladybug style – and joke about it. But right now, she didn't want to. She didn't want him to back away. She didn't want him to move his hand. There were few inches separating them, and she didn't like it. She didn't know what took me all of the sudden, to interrupt his sweet voice, and get her lips between his in a moment of wonder. She didn't dare to look him in the eyes. She didn't dare to ask him whether she could kiss him or not. She rested her left on his cheek and she deepened the kiss for a couple of seconds before letting go of him. His eyes were wide opened, frozen, or perhaps chocked. When she had finally realised what she had done, she turned her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what took me all of the sudden—"But before she finished her sentence, her lips were already occupied by those of the blond boy. She was out of breath, and he did not let her break the kiss. Hand on her neck, he crushed her lips even harder and let her fingers play in his hair. For a moment, it felt that time belonged to them, that Paris was cheering their sensual embrace and was calling for more. Few minutes later, They broke apart to take a breath. She was in his arms, and none of them minded that, until reality kicked out and they both realised what had just happened.

"I'm..." she mumbled under her breath.

"You should rest princess, he said as he slowly kissed her on the forehead and walked to the window. It's getting late."

"Chat !" Marinette called unaware of her high pitch.

"Yes, princess ?" She hesitated for a moment before asking

"Come back tomorrow, please..."

She had no idea from where her bravery was coming. Not in a million years she would've imagined herself begging Chat noir to visit her at her place as Marinette Dupain Cheng. He didn't turn back immediately, but when he did, he walked towards her in light steps and stole one last kiss from her wet lips before whispering :

" Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow."

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