Chapter Nine

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[First things first, I hope everyone is okay and everyone feels fine. Please stay home, wash your hands and be safe <3 I'll be posting New chapters every day/every two days hoping that you'll enjoy reading something and stay cosy at home. <3 Having said that, here's a new chapter of Forbidden Kiss.]

"I think we need to stop seeing each other."

It has already been a month since Marinette Dupain Cheng had pronounced these words. Every now and then, Adrien thinks about those few nights he had spent with Marinette, and –ironically- how crazy his life went after he has rejected her. It's been a whole month now; thirty days without having seen here anywhere. No one knew where Marinette was, not even Alya. According to Mr Dupain Cheng, she and her mother left on vacation without telling him where – or rather telling him not to tell anybody else. He missed her, and he craved for her touch and smile. At school, he would hang out with Alya and Nino, then stop walking and stare at that very spot where the bluebell girl had told him that she loved him. Alya and Nino would exchange some concerned looks before coming up with another subject to help him overcome his semi-depression. At home, he would ask Natalie to book him more piano lessons and work extra hours for photo-shoots. Sometimes Chloe would drop by and talk about her trips to London and Venice. Usually Adrien would force himself to listen to her, but now he was all ears and he enjoyed his childhood friend's company. Adrien was thankful to all his friends. Although he would enjoy anyone else's company... as long as it would help him fill Marinette's absence,

we all knew it wouldn't.

And it didn't.

At night, he would transform as Chat Noir and wait for his partner to appear, but she would only show up for a brief moment before leaving him on his own. Sometimes she would tell him she's busy, sometimes she had a family emergency, sometimes nothing. Deep down he felt that his lady grew distant from him. Whenever he tries to talk to her, she would shovel her yoyo and apologize. Her eyes lost their sparkle, and his fire grew wilder. Something was missing in his heart. Maybe it was his long conversations with his partner on Paris' roofs. Maybe it was his longing to a comforting smile and a warm hand. Maybe it was his desire to kiss the lips he became addicted to. Maybe it was a move, maybe an action. Maybe a soul, maybe a person. Maybe a feeling. Maybe himself. That night, Chat landed on his friend's balcony and waited, like he used to do every night for the past month. It became like a ritual that only him knew about. He would watch Paris from the balcony and think. His mind would drag him places he was afraid to visit. He would start thinking about Marinette. He would imagine every single scenario that messes with his head.

"What if something bad happened to her? What if she got sick? Where is she? How is she? Who is she with? Does she think about someone else? Does she think about Adrien Agreste? Does she think about Chat? Does she hate him? Does she regret what happened between them two? Would she remember him if she hears about him in the news? Would she think about him if she meets someone like him?"

He begged God for her safety, even if she wasn't thinking about him. He was. He was thinking about her without meeting anyone like her, and no one was like her to begin with. He was thinking about her without hearing her name at school. He was thinking about her without any reminder. She was in his mind in every second. He couldn't tell whether it was love or just concern, but he knew she was important to him, and that he needed her presence in his life. Marinette was his first friend, and she had always supported him and stood by his side. She had loved him once as Adrien Agreste, and she had cared for him as Chat Noir. They shared intimate moments, and he wanted more. That's all he knew.

The sky was darker than usual, and the lights went off. It was about midnight and Chat was still standing there watching the world. Paris was sleeping, but he heard something. This noise that disturbed his sleep and his mind for so long was nothing but his loud heartbeats that ticked like a curse clock.

He didn't know what he was desiring.

He didn't want to fall in love with anyone but his lady.

He didn't know from where this heartache came from.

Lost in his thoughts, the young boy didn't notice the bridge of light coming from the bluebell girl's room and her balcony door cracking open.

"Chat ?"

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