Chapter five

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Neither Marinette nor Adrien had slept. The young boy lied on his bed, unable to believe what had just happened. His murderous thoughts were hunting him. He had never felt this way before, not even with Ladybug. His heart was thumbing soo hard he couldn't think straight. It felt like he was hypnotised by her, and he did not hate it. Whenever he would close his eyes, he would see Marinette infront of him, and his lips would burn in passion. He had known her for three years now, and never had he ever imagined she would approach him like she did. Why did she kiss him ? She's in love with Adrien Agreste, not Cat Noir. Why did he kiss her back ? He's in love with Ladybug, not her. So many unanswered questions roamed his mind. He never noticed how beautiful she was. And perhaps this was the first time both of them had an honest and decent conversation.
"Plagg ?" Adrien whispered to his kwami lying next to him.
"Is it camembert's time ?"
"Have I done something that made her kiss me ?"
"Kid, spare me from your love tourments, will you ?"
"Plagg, I'm serious !"
"Instead of asking whether you've said something wrong, you might want to ask yourself why you kissed her back - twice - promised her to be back , I quote, "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" and told her how beautiful she was under the moonlight or whatever. Ugh, seriously kid, there's nothing worth loving more than cheese. At least I don't spend my nights thinking about how I would flirt with it."
Adrien knew his kwami was right. He did all this and more. It felt kinda wrong, for he felt like he betrayed his lady, but deep down, he wanted to go back to Marinette. The kiss they shared made him thirsty for more, and he couldn't explain it.
" tell me why..."
The phone has been ringing for half an hour now,  and Marinette couldn't find strength to answer. Her door opened and she heard a voice calling her name.
"Mari, wake up !"
It was Alya, her best friend. Marinette knew she would eventually show up there. She just hoped she wouldn't have to go through "the talk" with her.
" Wake up, Marinette! It's almost 10am."
"It's sunday... Marinette groaned. Let me sleep in peace, I haven't slept last night at all."
"Poor thing, Alya embraced her friend in bed. You've been thinking about him, haven't you ?"
'Him' was a bit broad to say. Yes, she's been thinking about this blond boy with green eyes... But it wasn't Adrien Agreste.
" Listen Mari, he doesn't deserve you  you're honest,  sweet, talented, kind, funny, and he's just a pretty boy. You'll find better guys who'd kill to be with you. You--"
"Yes, yes. Marinette interrupted as she woke up. Not that I'm surprised.  I knew he was in love with someone else. I was the one at wrong. Adrien is a kind guy. He didn't mean to hurt me, I'm sure. It's just that I'm overwhelmed now and I need ti move on."
Alya somehow knew that the story wasn't over yet. She knew how hard it was on her to throw a one sided love that lasted over three years in one day and forget the himiliation she felt when he rejected her. She knew how good she was at faking a smile, and it hurted her as hell.
"I'm fine Alya. I am. I ... had a dream last night. A very pleasant dream. For the first time, I've been honest with myself and I've let my heart decide what I should do and what I should say. I dreamt about a night full of wonders, in which I met an old friend, and he brought me back to a circle of magic."
"The hell you're talking about ? Is there something I should know about ?"
Marinette raised her head and thought about the promise Chat had made her last night. She let a smile eacape from her lips and said "nothing really. Just some thoughts I'd like to live in."
Marinette spent the day helping her parents in the bakery and ended up being dragged by her friends to shopping. She appreciated the fact that her classmates were trying their best to make her feel better, but her mind was already full of stories. She didn't understand why her heart was beating so fast when she'd think about Chat Noir. He was her partner, and she wasn't supposed to feel this way towards him - not as Marinette Dupaim Cheng at least. How did she end up like this ? How did she end up kissing him and urging him to get back to her ? He wasn't hers to begin with, and he should never be hers. He was Chat Noir, hero of Paris and Ladybug's partner - her partner. How could she do this to him ?
Still, she wanted to see him again. She wanted to talk to him, hear his voice once more, hug him once more...
Kiss him once more.
It was already past ten when Marinette headed back home on her own. She was walking down the streets, holding her bags with both hands when she heard this familiar voice.
" Should puuuurincesses walk alone at night ? Someone might kidnap you or something. "
Marinette recognised Chat's pun and rolled her eyes the way she always does as Ladybug.
" Why would I be scared when I know that my knight is wandering around me ?"
"Mi-aouch, princess. No pressure."
Chat jumped down from a roof and joined Marinette.
"Beautiful night huh ?" Marinette said.
"It is now.Chat whispered, pressing a kiss on his friend's cheek. Heading home I suppose?"
"Good, because there's something I want to discuss with you."

forbidden kiss - A MariChat FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ