Chapter Two

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It didn't come as a surprise that the academy was almost empty. After all, all of the siblings had gone their separate ways without so much as a peep to one another.

Part of Lia was glad that there was nobody else there. It gave her time to think.

So as she stood in front of Five's painting she thought.

She thought about everything. But mostly him.

" You always were the closest to him" a voice said.

Lia smiled to herself. She already knew who the voice belonged too without having to turn.

" I don't know Vanya. He liked you."

The taller woman shook her head. "There was something special about you two. You fit together. The perfect combination."

Lia laughed. " I wish we were prefect. Then he might have stayed."

To this Vanya said nothing, just stood next to the painting with her sister.

" Do you remember how we used to make those horrible sandwiches? And we'd leave the lights on so he wouldn't get lost? And I'd leave him a sandwich in case he got hungry? "

Vanya laughed slightly. " Yeah you would make him - what was it? Marshmallow and chocolate spread? "

" He didn't like peanut butter! " Lia defended.

" Yeah and only you would know that because you were the only one he really spoke too? " Vanya pointed out.

Lia sighed as her shoulders slumped.  " I really miss him V. You know I would always get cold in the night, no matter what the heat. But for some reason I was too scared to ask dad for more covers. So after I had tended to Klaus and possibly Ben, Five would let me sleep in the same bed as him. He was always too hot. "

" yeah and dad went ballistic at you both " Vanya said, staring at her sister.

" Didn't stop us. I got him off our backs tho "

" yeah I've been meaning to ask. How did you do that? " Vanya questioned.

Lia shrugged, her eyes never breaking away from the painting in front of her.
" I pointed out that by doing that I helped him and me sleep, therefore increasing our potential to win a fight"

" And you two slept in the same bed for what? Two years? And nothing happened?" Vanya said disbelievingly "you always told us that you two weren't dating but from what I'm hearing....."

Lia sighed, swallowing tears at the memories building up. " I liked him. But I don't think he liked me - not like that. Five always took what he wanted and if he wanted me he would've got me. I was just content with how we were. "

Vanya nodded in understanding. Her face drew up into a look of sympathy when she saw the pain in Lia's eyes. She decided a rapid change of subject was in order so rubbed her sisters arm slightly before saying.

" I take it you've seen Diego, Allison and Klaus then?"

Lia shook her head. " I arrived first but I guess I was scared they'd be angry. Because I left. "

Vanya shook her head "No no no. We all left. Except Luther of course. And they're angry at me I think. Or at least  Diego is."

Lia nodded. "That book was quite something."

Vanya hesitated. " I guess"

Lia turned to her sister. "The book showed the world all of our faults. Nobody likes having those pointed out. I have to admit I was slightly disturbed by my description. What was it? The girl so full of life that she healed everyone from every pain. But when Five left she seemed to suck in the life she had given us  " way to make me sound Co dependent V."

Vanya stepped in to apologise but Lia waved it off.

" It's fine V. I wasn't the most happy person after five. You had a point."

She ran her hands through her long brown locks before sighing. "I must go say hello to the others. I have missed my Klaus ever so much."

And with that Lia walked off in search for her best friend, leaving Vanya with Pogo.

" She still misses him doesn't she? " Vanya asked Pogo.

The male responded with a bow if his head. " Those two shared an unbreakable bond. I doubt she'll ever go back to how she was"


" And there she is. Little Lia "

Lia was now in the hallway, running her fingers along the walls as she went, tracing the memories she had left behind.

" Hello brother "

She turned around to come face to face with none other than Diego Hargreeves, who was lent on the banister with a slight smirk on his face.

"What's wrong little sis? Didn't you miss me?"

Lia couldn't help it. Usually she'd carry in the banter for a few more minutes, but nothing could have stopped her running to hug her brother.

" Of course I did dingus. You and your stupid knives."

Diego gave her an expression of fake offence before ruffling her hair.

" Klaus is through in the living room - the one with the red sofa- I take it you want to see him"

Lia smiled slightly before nodding, giving Diego a mock salute and a wave.

It didn't take long to get down in to the living room. In fact, it took mere minutes to find the place, which was impressive since Lia had not set foot in the place since Ben died.

Of course, I didn't take long to find Klaus, who was guzzling down the alcohol like a dehydrated man finding water.

One thing Lia liked about Klaus was the fact he never changed. He was still the same eccentric, wildly dressed man she had left behind.

Once he had spotted her, however, he stopped, his eyes widening considerably. "Lia?" he whispered stepping closer to her.

"Lia!" he shouted gleefully, running up to her and pulling her into a massive hug. She patted his back frantically, and kicked her legs slightly.

"Klaus - can't - breath" she gasped before he sat her down. She smiled, brushing herself off.

" Klausy! I missed you darling!" giving him a dramatic kiss on the cheek. He took it just as dramatically, sweeping his hand over his forehead and clutching his heart.

The two started laughing again, not able too look at each other because otherwise they'd fall into another fit of giggles.

That was another thing Lia missed about klaus. How carefree he was - though she knew that this time he was carefree because of the large amounts of drugs he had taken.

She made a mental note to try and get him to stop.

" Oh no. Those two will be laughing for days" said a bemused Allison, walking in on the scene in front of her.

Lia beamed. "Ally-cat!" she exclaimed, pulling her sister for a large hug. "My. You've grown"

" And you haven't Lia!" Interjected Klaus, to which Lia gave him a pointed look. Klaus put his finger over his lips as an apology.

"Sorry little one" he giggled before Lia threw her hairbrush at him.

Allison threw up her arms in dispair before laughing and existing the room. "Luther wants us in the other living room" she called.

Lia groaned. As much as she loved her  brother, he didn't half get on her nerves. To her, he was too righteous.

" Come on little one. Time to see the big one" Klaus laughed, dancing out of the room, with his best friend closely following behind.

She took one last look at the painting on the wall, and saw Five staring down at her, the same stupid smirk that warped his face.

She missed that stupid smirk. It always followed her.

Now that it was gone, she wanted it back so badly.

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