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Practice was finished and all throughout the day, the team harassed me about my sexuality. Danny asked me for a threesome. Woojae and Minsik kept sending me pictures of girls, asking if I found them attractive and Ted pried on my nonexistant sex life.
My athletic period was 7th period and I had a free class 8th period so I stayed in the locker room later than everyone else to shower by myself then go to the library.
Sadly today, I wasn't the only one with that idea. One other girl who also had a free class 8th period stayed after with me. I sat down in the locker room, staring off towards the shower, waiting for her to either leave or go take a shower. She did the exact same thing.
"Why are you just sitting there? Don't you wanna shower?" She asked me out of nowhere. "Yeah in a bit." I sighed. "Why wait?" "Why are you waiting?" I asked her with a shrug. "I think it would be silly for us to shower one at a time." This girls comment made no sense and made me uncomfortable. "Then why'd you wait until 8th period?" I asked her, getting very odd vibes from her. "I heard you're bi." She spouted out. At first it felt like a subject change but it quickly became apparent that it was her answer to my question. "Who told you that?" I asked, feeling a slight panic that quickly wore off. "Actually. I dont care. You didn't hear it from me which means it's a rumor." I didnt let her tell me who told her. It didnt matter. "I wanna find out if I'm gay." She stated boldly. I felt a very gross knot form in my chest. "So you were gonna wait for me to get in the shower and do what? Were you gonna attack me? Or did you think just because you heard I'm bi that I'd just get with anybody any time?" I quickly became furious. This girl who's name I didnt even know became silent and avoided looking at me, making me feel like my accusations were true. "Thinking like that is sick and I'd appreciate you staying away from me." I stormed out of the locker room, still in my gym clothes and still sticky and sweaty. I marched right to Coach's office.
I slammed his door open and startled him. "Heeji, why do you look so upset?" I relived the whole ordeal to him and he was flabbergasted. "She didnt actually do anything though?" "No sir." "Okay good. I'll give you the key to the boys shower so you can get clean. I promise nobody is in there." "Yall have a key?" "Yes. Do the girls not?" Coach seemed confused. "Sexism man." I shook my head, taking the key from him and walking to the boys locker room. I noticed a gym bag left out and quickly inspected the area to ensure I was alone.
Sure enough, there was a door leading to the shower area and privacy stalls for each shower head. "This is all kinds of sexist. Why dont we have this?" I mumbled tons about fragile masculinity while showering. After showering and getting clean, I went to grab my towel but it wasn't there. My clean clothes weren't there. My entire bag wasn't with me. "I left it in the girls locker room." I hissed at myself. All I brought with me was my phone. Why'd I do this to myself? I don't even have a clean bra.
Despite being 100% alone, I covered myself while walking back to the main part of the locker room to retrieve my phone. I looked at the gym bag I noticed when I first walked in. There was a baseball bat sticking out of it which gave me a 90% chance of it belonging to someone I'm close with. I turned it around and saw a name tag. "Kwon Minsik" "Well Minsik...I'm borrowing your clothes." I sighed, rummaging through his bag and getting a change of his clothes. My chest was small enough for no one to notice I wasn't wearing a bra and I bravely put my underwear back on, vowing to change as soon as I got home.
I emerged from the boys locker room wearing a whole outfit courtesy of Minsik. I sent him a text, letting him know what happened and decided to skip 8th period all together due to traumatic experiences.

Authors Note
Yes I accidentally went on hiatus and I apologize for that. I am back now and currently cannot sleep and am feeling very h word so excuse me while I begin my career as a smut writer🙃🙃🙃

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