Chapter 2: Escaping

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Location: Tokonosu Offshore International Airport

19 hours later

Rika, Mitchell and his teammates were all inside of the Razorback dropship, their destination is Tokonosu Offshore International Airport. Before they got to Japan they boarded the USS Gerald R.Ford supercarrier, there they join the U.S 7th fleet along with the Japanese navy to escort them to Tokyo.

Also, this also gives time for everyone to introduce each other. Miguel Rodriguez is the teams engineer, he is expert at fixing and hacking other computers and security his choice of weaponry is a silenced HBRa3 with red dot sight, Joseph Ramirez is the teams, heavy gunner, he carries a Pytaek, complete with a silencer, hybrid sight, and foregrip, Alex Harper is the teams sniper, his weaponry is consist of silenced Sig p226 and a suppressed Lynx sniper rifle. They were all wearing their exo suits and gears.

Right now everyone inside is in full gear. Mitchell is wearing his Exo suit complete with cloaking, mute charge, and ordnance. The weapon he carried is a suppressed MP11 with foregrip, and laser sight attached to the right side. On his right leg holsters a custom Atlas 45 with a suppressor.

Rika is wearing a black combat uniform complete with a black vest and carries her sniper rifle which is a custom Lynx that she got when she moved to the U.S with Mitchell.

"Ladies and  Gentlemen, welcome to Tokonosu Offshore International Airport." The pilot says.

Miguel pressed a button on his right and the panels of the Razorback open to reveal the airport. Just like any international airport, there were many different planes leaving the runway. Only this time the SDF has made the airport a F.O.B (Forward Operating Base), for VIP and civilian transport.

The Razorback touched down into the helipad. Rika looked at Mitchell knowing that this will be a goodbye.

"Please come back to me." She hugged him, she didn't bother if he has his suit or not.

"I will." He hugs her, not tighter since he was wearing an exoskeleton.

He pulled back and Rika took off his helmet to kiss him on the lips. The kiss was short only like 5 seconds as she pulled back and placed his helmet back on. She got off the dropship and waved her hand goodbye to her boyfriend, Mitchell waved back as well. The Razorback now ascends in the helipad turning to the city as its flies faster to there destination.

Inside the dropship

"All gears online?" Mitchell said to his teammates as they stand up and began inspecting there weapons, gears and ammunitions.

"All systems green Commander." Joseph answered

"All right listen up," Mitchell commanded his team as they all gather round. He activated a holoram that shows the school that there gonna be entering. "We have actual intel that the infection has already spread 3 miles from its original source and is making there way around the city. We will be inserted at the south of the city and push north." He showed the spread of the infection from the Totoro Forest.

"We are to gather any survivors and bring them to the Tagaki residence, located right here." He pinpointed the exact location of the mansion where they will evacuate the survivors.

"Be advised. These 'zombies' are highly sensitive to sound, do not draw any attention by banging on doors and among other things." The 3 Delta Operators nodded in understanding. "Lastly is that they are blind, use this to our advantage. CLEAR!!"

"CLEAR!!" They all said.

"Dagger 0-1, we are now approaching the school ETA 10 seconds standby." The pilot said as they all got up from there seats and went to the right door.

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