Chapter 6

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Why did I have to do that? Why do I always run away? I cant do it. I cant face Johnny today. I cant bare to see him, he'll be thinking that he was wrong to kiss me because I'm still a child who cant handle things. But I have to go, I will go. I have to do this.

I got out of bed and put my black dress and my red lipstick on. I slipped on my heels, slung my satchel over my shoulder and called out to my mom, "Bye mom."

I headed out the door and went to sit on the curb. Mr livingston isnt able to drive me today because hes 'sick' and cant drive. I waited until I saw the blur of  taxi coming near me. When the taxi pulled up, I reached for the handle and slipped into the passanger seat. The pervy cab driver eyed me up and down so I said, "Um, 21 Stockholm Road please," and shot him an angry look. He cleared his throat and stepped on the accelaration.


When we arrived at the wharehouse 20 minutes later, I handed the cab driver 30 dollars and got out of the car quickly. I wasn't ready to face this. I dont know how Im going to handle Johnny. I paced slowly towards the wharehouse and opened the doors. I saw the glasshouse in the corner and composed myself, walking towards everyone with my head down. I opened the glasshouse doors and Johnny looked up, I felt a pang in my chest. He looked sort of sad, like he had a softness in his eyes.

"Ella, How are you sweetie?" Martin asked when he saw me.

"Oh um..Im good." I replied quietly looking over at Johnny. I went to go sit in a chair 6 seats down from Johnny. I reached for my script out of my satchel and turned to the page that Martin had wrote on the whiteboard in the corner of the room.

"Oh um Martin, could Ella and I please run lines outside?" Johnny asked looking over at me when I looked up immeadiately.

"Sure Johnny" Martin said "I'll just read your lines with the others."

Johnny stood up and walked over to me and held out his hand, "Coming?" He asked. I grabbed his hand and followed him out the door over to a wall.

"Look, Im so-" I started but Johnny interupted me by cupping his hands around my face and crashing his lips to mine. Whe he finally pulled away he said, "You didn't let me finish yesterday." He said and smiled sadly at me but before I could talk, he kissed me again, hungrily and hard. He pushed me against the wall gently and put one hand on the wall and the other on my hip. I wrapped my arms his waist and closed the gap between us.

I know its been less than a day but I kind of missed his lips. Its odd I thought. How I could want something so bad and now I have it. He moved his jaw slowly, deepening the kiss. I smiled and pulled away.

"Im sorry," I said frowning, "I wasnt ready, thats all"

"Are you ready now" he said, his sad smile had faded to an expression of desperation and needing.

"Yes" I said smiling at him as he smiled back at me. I reached up and kissed him again this time letting him slide his tougne into my mouth. He smiled against my lips and then I heard it, a sigh. It was one of the costars who was standing with her arms crossed next to the glasshouse door.

"Reading lines?" she said. Johnny smiled a bit and looked back at me before he kissed me again. The girl stomped off back into the glasshouse. Johnny pulled away from me and looked into my arms, "Do you want to go to my trailer?" he said trting to catch his breath.

"Um, yeah." I said smiling back at him as he grabbed hold of my  and led me towards the door of the wharehouse. The I realised what was going to happen. Johnny had a bed in his trailer. I was about to lose my virginity to him. Johnny stopped at the trailer door and looked at me with a worried look in his eyes, "Are you sure your ready?"

"Yes, I am," I smiled and leaned up to kiss him, "But your going to have to show me what to do." he chuckled quietly and opened the door. We both walked in and he turned to face me.

"You Ready?"

My heart is always with you (a johnny depp love story)Where stories live. Discover now