When you realised you had a crush on him

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(Doing the boys as well though they basically had a crush first seeing you 😅😋

You - when he painted you a drawing because he was bored

Him- you concentrating on your dress making

You - When he started to play piano

Him - You were messing around with Les

You - He wrote sweet notes and put them inside books. So when someome opened the book they would smile.

Him - You were reading quietly against the window

You - When he flirted with other girls you got jealous

Him - You were both messing around laughing, your laugh is adorable in his eyes

You - He bought you some flowers one day rather than bet the money

Him - watching you whistle as you work.

You - When you saw him use his slingshot

Him - Finding out/you demonstrating  that you can flip and tumble. 

(Modern) bc why not? XD

You - you two were wrestling each other. In p.e class.

You - When he wrote you a little note saying how much he loved his lunch

Him - When he first saw you...ok 😂 When you said his name was cute and didn't make fun of his flirting

(Morden ) bc why not?

You - When you guys were reading Romeo and Juliet in school. You had to read out Juliet lines and he melted.

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