First Kiss (longer story thing )

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Ok before you read....I wanna talk about the first kiss.

(This is my first fanfic writing about kissing after my first kiss)

It's true.

It doesn't matter what you's going to be awkward. Like really awkward and werid and it will get better/comfortable as time goes on.

Just a heads up 😂


You were going to give up. The dress you promised and sketched for Medda, was going no where with all these these beads flying everywhere.

"Ugh!" You stombed the floor while you sat back. Maybe you needed a break.

"What's wrong?" Jack called from the couch in the room. The room use to be a dressing room - that's why some mirrors were about - but soon became a costume/storage and hangout.

"These stupid beads!" You frowned explaining it was frustrating to work with.

You went on with your rant saying how much it qas making you mad.

"And then I have to-"

Jack kissed your cheek.

You stopped to think this through. Jack chuckled asking if you felt better.
You shook your head then pointed to your lips.

Jack pecked your lips - which you blushed afterwards .


"Much better"



"So then you press F sharp and then C"

Davey was teaching you a little tune on the piano. You always wanted to play but never had the time to do so.

"Ok" You copied what he played on the piano until you manged to play with your right warm.

You laughed as you managed to do it "Yay! I did it!"

Davey was silent before suddenly he kissed your cheek. You both looked at one another with a red face.

"I'm sorry"

You quickly gave him a kiss on the lips

"Nah I thought it was cute"


You were walking passed the "world" when the newsies lining up. You decided to stay a bit and chat as you were early heading to work.

The Delancy brothers soon turned up. Jack and Crutchie had warned you about them before so you keeped your distance.

Oscar whistled "Who's this? You didn't come here for the newsies did you"

You frowned at Oscar "Who else is there?"

"Lucky for you there is us" Morris was on the other side of you. The Delancy brothers talked some more and the newsies made fun of them.

"Hey, just because you all couldn't get a pretty girl" Oscar put an arm around you. He laughed looking at Crutchie "Especially him"

Your hand clenched as the two boys laughed. The newsies were all about to jump at them.

Stepping away from Oscar you went to Crutchie. He tried to hide from you as he was embarrassed. He got worried you would think he was weak.

But all of a sudden you grabbed his face and gave him a big kiss on the lips.

The newsies cheered and whistled. Crutchie was so shocked to kiss back and you two stood there as you held his face.

After you turned to the brothers "That's my man"

Stepping away with pride the newsies cheered you on.

The Delancy brothers got to embarrassed to say anymore.


"Hey" Albert said as he sat next to you on the bunk. You looked "Yes?"

"I hurt my cheek"


Albert tried again "I hurt my cheek" He tapped his cheek but you saw no mark. You then nodded and reached for a cloth "Would this help?"

Race, who sat on the other side of the room, started to laugh at the situation. Some others joined in.

"What? Do you need a blanket"

"I need a kiss!" Albert covered his mouth not meaning to shout. This caused the others to laugh more.

"Ohhh" you quicklt kissed him.





"Yes?" You two were sitting on the metal ladder outside the lodge. You were both looking at the sunset.

"Have you ever been kissed?"

Race didn't expect that and coughed a lot. "Em..well...yes. But, I love you so don't worry-"

"Could you kiss me?" You smiled.

Race looked at you with his eyes widen. He did not expect this, though liked the confidence. He made you laugh as fix his collar with an over the top attitude.

You giggled as he leaned in a quickly kissed your lips.

You sat their blushed as he was smug.


You two were swimming at the docks. It was getting late but still stayed out. You both were splashing water at each other.

"Stop, I got some in my mouth" Spot laughef as he spat the salty water.

"Boo hoo" You splashed some more at him.

"Come here" You giggled as he caught you and hugged you. You were both were like for a while. You snuggled against him.

Then you kissed his lips.

Spot blushed as you laughed at his reaction. His face didn't move.

"You ok?"

".....that was so sweet....thanks"


"Oh hi Romeo" You held plates and turned around to see your boyfriend.

"I thought I could help"

"Oh that's nice but you really-"

But Romeo walked passed you and started to clean the dishes. You smiled as you were thankfull of his kind heart.

After serving some tables you came back to find Romeo sweeping the floor as well.

"Oh you don't need to-"

"No. It's actually kinda satisfying "

You smiled and walked over. You walked over and kissed his lips.

Romeo looked at you and then kissed yours.

".....Can I help you sweep?"

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