author's note

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Dear Reader,

As I mentioned in the summary, The Modern Queen is a series of independent shorts using the characters from my current work in progress, The Martyr Queen. Knowledge of that isn't required to enjoy this, however.

The stories are connected, and I've put them in chronological order as best I can, though many of them are kind of fuzzy on the timeline. The setting is intentionally vague, though it is set somewhere in the US because that's what I'm familiar with, and so is the date.

Most of these are fills from prompts on my Tumblr, though every now and again there might be one I did on my own, no prompt required. As such, there may be some odd formatting things—specifically, a bolded line or two. This would be the requested prompt, & hopefully it isn't too jarring.

Thanks so much for reading!

- Livvy Moore

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