Meeting Jason

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-3rd POV-

Ghoul pulls away and then kisses poisons cheek. Poison gets up, takes Ghoul's hand and pulls him into the diner.

Jet Star's eyes fall onto their linked hands, while Kobra stares Poison down. A long silence falls between everyone and Ghoul shifts uncomfortably.

"hey guys? I know you two share like, a mind-link or some shit, but would you mind letting Jet and I know what's happening?"

Kobra breaks eye contact with Poison and looks at Ghoul. "you two are together?"

ghoul nods slowly.

"fuckin finally. I was gettin sick of Poisons moaning and groaning about how you'll never love him."

poison blushes and glares. Jet clears his throat. "well I'm not actually that surprised that you two are together now. The way you acted on stage...."

Doctor D wheels himself in and clears his throat. "Space Cola is awake. She doesn't remember much of before but shes requesting the one who first found her."

Poison raises his eyebrows and stands. "why me?" he asks.

Doctor D shrugs and ushers him into one of the back rooms. "you look familiar or some shit. She's in there" he points and wheels away into the diner.

Poison approaches the door and walks inside. "hey cola" he says, sitting on a chair next to the bed.

Space Cola sits up against a few pillows, covered by a thin blanket. The blood is gone, revealing quite a pretty face. She has lightly tanned skin and big brown eyes.

"Hey there..." she whispers.

"how you feeling?" Poison asks.

Cola half smiles. "I'm alright I suppose...but somethings bothering me"

Poison leans over. "do you need aspirin? Water? What is it?"

Cola sits up more. "it's look a fuck load like a member of one of my favourite bands...." she trails off, shaking her head.

Poison grins massively. "would that band be My Chemical Romance?" he asks.

Cola brightens. "yeah!'d you know?" she asks suspiciously.

Poison laughs. "well hi there. I'm Party Poison, lead singer of My Chemical Romance" Poison says formally, stretching out a hand.

Cola's eyes widen and she gasps. "what? Are you serious? Don't you fuck with me on this!" she squeals.

Poison laughs. "hundred percent"

Cola lays back and closes her eyes. "so where are the others? They aren't...."

Poison quickly shakes his head. "nah they're out in the diner. Fun Ghoul was the one that helped me save you."

Cola opened her eyes again. "saved by frerard...." she murmurs happily.

"what would you do if I told you that was real now?" Poison asks.

He braces himself for an answer. Cola sits up suddenly. "what?! FRERARD IS REAL!?"

Poison nods. "um yeah of about twenty minutes ago..."

Cola grins like an idiot. "I fuckin knew it man..." she laughs. "can I meet the rest of em?"

Poison stands. "I'll ask doctor D if you can move" he says, walking out the room.

As he turns around the corner he hears Space Cola mutter to herself "saved by frerard and now I'm actually meeting MCR? Oh sunshine, why aren't you here?"

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