Dance away the memory

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-Jet Star POV-

Doctor D sits in front of Cherry Star, trying to ask her questions.

"why did you do it?"

"what's happened?"

"why are you like this?"

Cherry only sits and stares with those pitch black eyes, occasionally replying with the same sentence.

"it's easy to join, we can fix you"

Doc leans back in his chair and sighs.

Cherry turns her eyes up to my face. "it's easy to join us. So easy"

Ghoul leaps forward and shakes her shoulders. "how? How did this happen to you?"

Poison jumps forward and pulls Ghoul back, murmuring in his ear about calming the fuck down. Cherry slowly turns back to me, unfazed by the attack. "it's easy"

I shift uneasily under her black gaze and turn away. I fall down next to Space Cola, who hasn't moved. She still sits silently by Adrenaline Revolver's body.

I place an arm around her shoulder and she leans in. "the way she fell. No cry, no yell. No sound at all..."

I nodded and rubbed her back. "Where's Jason?" I ask her.

Cola points over to where Jason sits with Rainbow Apocalypse, over on the counter.

"So thats how.... oh sweet Jesus!" Out of nowhere, Doctor D yells out in surprise.

Everyone jumps to attention, rushing forward to help him. But he's wheeling away toward the kitchen.

What the fuck?

I motion for everyone to stay and I follow Doc through the swinging doors.

"uh what's up?" Doctor D grabs the box of Power Pup and pulls a lighter from his jacket pocket.

"burn it" he instructs.

I stare at him like he's gone mad, which I'm fairly fuckin sure he has. He sighs impatiently. "just fucking do it. I'll explain later"

I take the box and lighter from his arms. I walk out, past the killjoys and through the front doors. Placing the box down, I flick the lighter and throw it down. The box catches fire instantly. I put it out and carry the charred remains back to doctor d.

"satisfied?" when he nods, I press for information. "care to tell me why I had to burn our food supply?"

Doctor D doesn't answer. He wheels through the doors and parks in front of the killjoys. "Korse spiked the Power Pup with something. It takes over your body after a few hours and turns you into a drac. Exhibit A" he gestures to Cherry Star, who is still staring me down, her black eyes drilling holes in me.

The room explodes into chatter and D parks over in front of the radio set.


-Jason POV-

Poison and Ghoul have taken Revolver's body away somewhere. I don't know where but I figure, anywhere is better than on the diner floor.

Cherry star has been knocked out and locked in one of the rooms out back, tied up of course.

D fiddles with the radio for a few hours while everyone else talked about random shit. Mostly the power pup incident and how creepy it was to have Cherry staring at them with her eyes like that.

I walk over and sit in the booth next to Space Cola. I wrap an arm around her and she leans into my chest.

"Im bored" she looks up at me, puppy eyes in gear.

I half-smile. "and what am I supposed to do about it? Hmm?" I lightly kiss her nose.

Cola frowns and sits up. "Yo doc? Can we get some music going?"

Doctor d saltues slightly and presses a few buttons. The radio sign flashes "on air" and D hooks up the microphone.

"alrighty, my colorful killjoys. Seems we gotta get our minds away from the disaster at hand. Let's get the party up in gear with a catchy tune from Korea in the early two thousands. Here is an old hit by PSY. Dance til you die if you know how"

Doctor D clicks off the mic and starts a track. Music pumps around the room. Cola giggles and takes my hand.

"dance!! C'mon, I know this song!"

Cola, Jet, Ghoul, Rainbow and I start dancing around the room. Kobra sits and observes us, faintly amused.

"Oppa Gang-Nam Style!" we all yell.

I take Cola's hands in mine and we dance together to the upbeat song. Jet and Ghoul appear to be speed-head-banging. Rainbow waltzes over to Kobra and holds out a hand.

He stares at her for a few seconds and then takes it. She squeals happily and leads him to the middle of the room. Rainbow starts dancing like a maniac, while Kobra moves quite awkwardly.

I point this out to Cola and she laughs. When the Korean pop song ends, we all collapse in laughter.

Doctor D's voice cuts through the room again. "well here's one from group I used to be well aquatinted with. Motor-babies, scream it out for The Used"

Guitar and drums fill the silence, followed by a screaming voice. "Get down!! woo! Get down!!"

Cola and I continue dancing. Everyone else sits down, too exhausted. Cola doesn't know the song but i do. I yell out the lyrics until my throat hurts.

"To me it looks so pretty burning! Burn the sun, burn the light! Take, take, take, take, take, take it away!"


Remember guys, if a close friend gets shot in the face, while in the zones, dance to some PSY to forget. Naturally I'm joking.

It seemed like the right thing to do somehow....

Dance the memory away... (hence the chapter name)

Songs in this chapter:

Gangnam Style - PSY

Take It Away - The Used

._. much love

~Stevie <3

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