New Killjoys

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-Kobra POV-

"hey boys, I got some people for you to meet." Doctor D wheels through the back doors and returns with people. "this is Adrenaline Revolver, Cherry Star and Rainbow Apocalypse"

the three girls step forward and start introducing themselves individually. Rainbow Apocalypse walks towards me and stretches out a hand.

"hi there. Rainbow here"

I take her hand and shake it. "Kobra Kid"

she smiles. "well Kobra, I hope we can get to know each other better" she winks at me and walks off to say hi to Jet.

I smile slightly and look over towards her. Those green and white striped pants make her legs look amazing....and her dyed hair really suits her....

"You LIKE her, don't you?"

I glare at my brother. "fuck you"

Poison grins. "incest is illegal"

I flip him off and walk away. "hardy fuckin har"

Doctor D claps his hands, trying to get our attention. "hey.....Killjoys? ... LISTEN THE FUCK UP!"

everyone stops and stares over at the man in the wheelchair.

"ok....good...we have two more killjoys. They're only 17 but both highly trained killers. You don't wanna piss 'em off. Everyone, meet Cyanide Violence and Angel DeathWish"

two people emerge through back door and face us all. The boy, Cyanide Violence, has pitch-black hair styled up and dark purple eyes. I can see a gun holstered under his jacket. Snakes bites line his top and bottom lips, which are curled up in a smirk.

The girl beside him, Angel DeathWish, has black hair with blue and purple streaks. She's wearing an off-the-shoulder mini dress and boots. She has two ray guns holstered at her waist.

Cyanide steps forward. "Doc is right. Piss us off? Lose your arms."

Angel grins right at me and then her eyes bore into Cola. Cola shrinks slightly under the gaze and then stands up straight, defiantly returning the glare. Cyanide takes Angel's hand and pulls her away.

-Ghoul POV-

Cyande and Angel walk out back together. No-one stops them.

Everyone seems to be getting to know each other, talking to the four new killjoys.

Eventually the sun goes down and some people are yawning. Space Cola has fallen asleep on Jet's shoulder, which I know is dangerous. His hair has a tendency to try and eat your face when you aren't paying attention.

Poison wanders over to me and slips his hand into mine. "time for bed?" he asks.

"no, I'm totally fi-" I'm cut off by my yawn, betraying my words.

Poison chuckles and pulls me towards the back rooms. "we're going to bed!" he calls over his shoulder.

"keep it in your pants! I'm next-door to you two and I'd like to get some sleep" Kobra Kid calls back.

I roll my eyes. Poison and I climb into the small bed and he wraps his arms around me. "sleep" he says.

I hear everyone else making sleeping arrangements and after a while, the noise dies down and I hear some people snoring faintly.

I lean into Poison and kiss him. His mouth opens instantly under mine. Poison groans and starts pulling off my shirt. Suddenly we're interrupted by Kobra yelling out at us.

"shut the fuck up! I don't need to hear that shit! Let me sleep, bastards!"

Poison laughs and I snuggle into him. "fine...I'll sleep" I close my eyes and drift off.

-Cyanide Violence POV-

I take Angel's hand and pull her out the front doors of the diner.

"c'mon, let's escape for a while."

Angel leans on the hood of the Trans Am car parked out front. I lean next to her and pull out a packet of cigarettes. Angel squeals in excitement as I light one up and pass it to her. She takes a drag and stares out at the horizon.

"they all look like such amateurs. How're we supposed to bring down the BLI with a group of amateurs who don't know shit?" she takes another long drag and blows out the smoke.

"where are we sleeping?" she asks.

I shrug one shoulder and look at her out the corner of my eye. "where do you want to sleep?"

Angel throws down the cigarette, stamps it out and walks back inside. I follow her back into the diner. Angel disappears briefly and returns with a blanket.

I lay down in one of the booths and she lays down too, half on me, half next to me. I cover us with the blanket and put an arm around angel.

She clutches one of her ray guns. "you probably wont need that" I say reasonably.

She glares at me. "and if I do?" she retorts.

I sigh and reach over to grab mine.


All new killjoys are based on various friends of mine :3 hehehe

Feedback? C'mon guys please? -puppy dog eyes-

ily guys

~Stevie <3

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