Introductions and Plans

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- Continued Sunshine POV -

When I wake up again in the morning, Cola's already gone. I change into jeans, a loose fitting shirt and my leather jacket. Slipping on my boots, I stumble out of the makeshift tent.

"Cant stand up straight, can you?" someone chuckles.

I grin cheekily and slide my glasses from my head, onto my face. "Must be a gift" I say, curtseying.

They laugh and I raise my eyes to their face. A hand is extended in my direction and I take it. "Exterminator Sunshine" I say, smiling.

"Rainbow Apocalypse" she returns the smile. "I like your hair. It suits you"

"Thankin' you kindly. I love your shirt" I say, gesturing to her skull designed sweatshirt.

"Want to meet the rest of the crew?"

"Sure thingo!"

"you're weird."

"Thanks citizen"

"your welcome"

- - - - -

[Party Poison POV]

Sunshine and Rainbow walk over to the mini fire Ghoul got started and sit down. Sunshine waves and removes her sunglasses. "Hiya"

Everyone greets her and I stand. Pouting out individuals, I introduce her to all the killjoys.

"This is Jason, Kobra Kid, Jet Star, Fun Ghoul and Doctor Death-Defying. You've met Rainbow Apocalypse and Space Cola. Oh and...hi I'm Party Poison" I smile widely.

Everyone waves and Sunshine nods slowly. "Yep...never thought I'd hear those words..." she breathes.

I laugh and sit back down on Ghoul. "Hey!" he cries out indignantly.

"Payback for all the other times you've sat on me, you bastard" I retort.

"Ahh you love it" he says, smiling happily and snuggling close.

Sunshine places a hand to her forehead. "and again. Never thought I'd see that. Still processing this. It's real. Omg it's real"

Cola slings an arm around her and mock- punches her shoulder. "Get used to it, sister. Frerard is now 100% real" she says.

Sunshine nods seriously. "Yeah. Omg. Where the chocolate cakes is wifi when you need it, eh?"

"Sunny, you know that died out last year" Cola points out.

"Yeah, but I, like, died. Literally. Died." Sunshine pretends to die dramatically on Cola. Cola giggles, pushing her off.

I turn to Doctor D. "We getting revenge on those bastard Dracs?"

D lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag, staring out at Battery City. "those bastards messed with my baby.....They're going to die"

- - - - -

Oooooh Doctor D is piiiiiissed.

Sorry for the short chapter :/ sorry sorry sorry.

Hey guys...guys...guess what?

The guy I like?

Yeah, he asked me out...aww yeah *happy dance*

I'll try and update more often. I'm such a bad person D:



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