Set The World On Fire

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Set This World On Fire

-Angel DeathWish-

Jagger snuggles closer into me and sighs happily. I'm surprised he's not asleep yet. Its almost midnight and he's been jumping around all day, non-stop. Similar to a bunny on speed. Hm...

I glance down at Jagger and smile. He looks absolutely gorgeous. Eyes closed, mouth slightly open. He's breathing softly, chest rising and falling slowly.

"finally asleep, Jagger?" I ask.

He stirs lightly and quickly falls back asleep. I chuckle softly and run a hand through his blonde hair, pushing it from his face.

Cyanide Violenve sits down next to me and grins. "made a new friend, eh?"

I shove him. "shut up"

"careful. The killjoys might notice" he teases, playing with my hair.

I lean my head back and sigh happily. Jagger isn't heavy, I barely notice his weight on my lap. It feels nice to have him there, sleeping contentedly.


I look over to Cyanide, who's smiling gently at me. "yeah...?"

He takes my hand. "you alright?"

I run my hand through Jagger's hair again. "yeah. Just....I'm wondering when something will happen, y'know? We've done nothing since we got here. When's some action gonna come, eh?"

"well maybe-"

The air around us exploded.


Teeny tiny chapter? Sorry.

Cliffhanger? Sorry.

Nadia is leaving and won't be back until Monday? NOOOOOOOO!!

Ok ok @NadiaVlasic , I'll miss youuuu xx this chapter is for you! Love ya!



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