The Revenge Battle

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[Kobra Kid point of view]

We all sit on the outskirts of the Better Living Industries, ray-guns drawn. Ghoul and Poison are huddled together, whispering frantically. Space Cola and Jason are wrapped up in each others embrace. Sunshine sits alone, on the ground with her chin on her knees. Jet, Rainbow and I stand together, waiting for Jagger and D's radio message.

"You alright?" Rainbow asks, taking my hand.

I smile weakly and squeeze her hand. "Yeah...I'm fine..."

Rainbow smiles back briefly. "Do we....say goodbye?"


She shifts and looks around. "We may not come out alive. We're out-numbered" she points out.

I pull her into a hug and take a deep breath. "We'll be ok, love." I reassure her.

Rainbow's breath hitches and she clings tighter. "I'm afraid, Kobra" she whispers, quiet enough for only me to hear.

"I am too, but we'll be fine...." I raise my head. "Right, Jet?" I call louder.

Jet's head snaps up, away from his helmet. "Huh, what?"

"We'll be fine, right?" I ask pointedly, raising an eyebrow.

Jet glances at me then at Rainbow. A smile lights his face, not quite reaching his eyes. "Yeah...we'll be good. Don't you worry, Rainbow."

Rainbow smiles wide and snuggles into me. "Good..."

I let out a breath and look at the building looming just through the tunnel. A single question runs through my mind.

Will we be ok?




"Coast is clear, guys and gals"

D's radio message crackles through and we all stand. Guns drawn, we make our way to the building.

It's show time.

- - - - - - - -

[Jet Star point of view]

Poison and Ghoul are the first to burst through the doors, guns firing. Sunshine, Cola and Jason follow closely. Next is Rainbow and Kobra. I bring up the rear, shooting off the last few Dracs coming from behind.

The next few minutes pass in a blur of fired guns and fallen Dracs. I'm soon out of breath and slowing down. My energy is quickly drained by lack of sleep and food rations. My vision blurs slightly and I stumble behind a desk.

I wait there until my vision clears. I check over the top of the desk and start firing with deadly precision at the Dracs.

One runs at Sunshine from behind. Her back is turned so she can't see him. I lift my gun and shoot him in the back of the head. Sunshine kills her Drac and turns, eyes thankful. I salute and smile, before running off to destroy more mindless Dracs.

"Jet! Look out!" a voice shrieks from my left.

I duck and roll, narrowly avoiding behind shot in the face by a Drac. I shoot it in the eye and stand, scanning the area.

Ghoul and Poison battles against seven Dracs, assisted by Jason. The Dracs are overwhelming them, more running to help their fellows.

Kobra and Rainbow are slowly being cornered, both shooting desperately.

Sunshine is on the floor, Cola calling her name. There's no answer.

I grip the ray gun and take in a deep breath. My arm lifts and I begin shooting the Dracs away from my friends.

Killjoys Of YesterdayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora