What Happened to Cherry Star?

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-Ghoul POV-

Poison's arms are wrapped around my shoulders and our legs are tangled up together, right down to our feet. When I pull away to sit up, Poison frowns and hugs me tighter.

I disentangle myself and stand up. I pick up a pillow and throw it at Poison's head.

"c'mon. Wake up"

he groans and waves his hand at me. "bastard" he mutters, rolling back over.

I roll my eyes and walk down the hall, toward the diner. When I get to the double doors, Adrenaline Revolver and Cherry Star are crouched on the floor, whispering furiously.

"what're you two up to?" I say. They both jump a foot in the air and then shush me.

"Cyanide and Angel are in there, sleeping. We've been waiting for them to wake up for AGES now"

I frown. "why not just go in and wake 'em up yourselves?" i ask the two girls.

They look at each other. "One, we kinda appreciate having arms" Revolver explains.

Cherry looks out the door and back to me. "Two.... they look so freaking CUTE!!" Cherry quietly squeals.

I laugh and quickly fall silent when shushed again. I walk forward and crouch down with them. I peek through the crack in the door, out into the diner.

Cyanide and Angel are laying in one of the booths, tangled up in each other. They do look, in fact, very cute. Although I know if I wake them, that cuteness will quickly disappear and morph into the desire to rip my intestines out through my mouth.


I turn back to the girls and usher them back to the rooms. They follow me into Poison and my room and sit down on the floor.

Poison sits up, his red hair sticking up in every direction. Cherry and Revolver giggle and Poison tries to flatten it, blushing.

"why the fuck have you brought 16 year old girls into our room?" he asks grumpily.

I mess up his hair again and flop down onto his stomach. "they're not tough enough to wake up Cyanide and Violence"

Revolver throws a pillow at my head. "you weren't too keen either!" Cherry retorts indignantly.

Jet pokes his head through the door. "what's all the hubbub?"

I jump on him like a ninja and mess up his fro. Jet squeals like a fucking girl and pushes me off. "D wants you guys up in the diner. He took the liberty of waking Angel and Cyanide"

"is he alive?!" Cherry squeaks.

Jet laughs really loud. "yes, honey. Now c'mon"


-Poison POV-

After being dragged out of bed (against my fucking will, may I add), I'm sitting in the diner.

Ghoul is sitting in my lap again. Cyanide and Angel sit in the corner booth, ray guns out. Cherry and Revolver sit cross-legged on the floor, talking excitedly. Rainbow Apocalypse and Kobra Kid sit together in one of the booths. Jet, Cola and Jason are sitting along the counter.

Jason and Cola's hands are joined. They've been together for since...well about an hour after meeting..

Doctor D wheels in through the front doors, a large box in his lap.

"what's in the box doc?" Jet calls.

Doctor d smiles and opens the box. He tilts it so everyone can see. The contents is cans and cans of Power Pup, the food we killjoys eat and enjoy everyday. We had been running low, down to our last few cans.

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