Rebuilding Hope (Final Chapter)

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[Party Poison point of view]




I maneuver myself through the maze of hallways and stop before a door. A nameplate gleams in the white light.


Steadying myself with a deep breath, I lift my gun and kick down the door.


Korse sits in a chair by the window, staring at a map of the zones. Giant red x's slash over the destroyed zones and I feel sick. All those killjoys gone.

My grip tightens on my gun as he sees me burst through the door. He jumps to his feet and whips out his ray gun. Firing shots toward my head, he backs away from me. I smile and dodge the shots easily, striding quickly toward the retreating man.

"What, no hello?" I ask, surprised.

Korse backs away further and his back hits the wall. His hand tightens around the gun and he lifts it again. A shot fires and whistles past my ear, just missing me. I chuckle, a low sound, and shake my head.

"Ahh Korse. You've been killing the people I love." I say sadly, tapping my gun against my leg.

"They deserved what they got!" Korse snarls, giving me the finger.

I raise my gun and shoot his hand, causing him to drop the gun. He clutches his hand, now with a sizzling hole in the middle, and yells in agony. This makes me smile.

"YOU deserve what you get, Korse." I say cheerfully, revenge maddening me.

Korse glares at me while nursing his hand. "And what exactly is that, may I ask? Killjoy." he spits.

I smile wider. "I'm going to kill you."


[Fun Ghoul point of view]

I sit in the branches of the tree, my foot tapping anxiously against my leg. It's been hours since Poison left and I'm starting to worry.

'Why did I even let him go?' I think to myself, hitting my head back against the bark behind me. Ouch.

A speck of dust appears in the distance and I almost fall off the branch I'm perched on. "H-Holy shit, look!" I yell, jumping from the tree. I land, knees bent, and start running. Sunshine, Cola, Jason and Rainbow look up, surprised, and follow me quickly.

"What is it?" Cola yells, sprinting to catch up.

Jason grabs Sunshine's hand and pulls her along. "I'm not made for running." she pants, stopping. "Go on without me. I'll wait with D and Jagger." she calls, waving a hand and turning to walk away.

Jason and Rainbow catch up to Cola and I. We run until the car is closer. It slows to a stop beside us and Poison stumbles out, clutching his side.

I grab him in a hug and breathe in the smell of sweat, gasoline and adrenaline. "Don't scare me like that again...." I whisper into his hair.

Poison groans in pain and tries to hug me back. I lean back and look at his side. "Fucker found a knife in the table drawer." he says weakly, brow furrowed in pain. A small dagger sticks out from the side of his stomach, wedged in tight.

Cola steps forward hesitantly. "Is" she asks slowly, jerking her head toward the city.

Poison nods slowly, wincing at the small movement. "Y-Yeah. I killed Korse. And possibly the rest of the draculoids." he says.

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