Jagger Learns About Love

552 35 15

-Angel DeathWish POV-

"they've been gone a while" Party Poison says worriedly.

Fun Ghoul wraps an arm around him. "They'll be fine. It's doctor d. When has he ever gone wrong?"

I turn to cyanide. "don't tell anyone but I'm kinda worried too...." I whisper.

He smiles, his snake bites reflecting the light. "I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. I'm worried as well"

I slip my hand into his and gaze at my ray gun. I'd been polishing it and now it shone a bright purple.

Space Cola stands and points out the diner window. "there!" she yells. "The Trans Am is coming back!"

Everyone stands and rushes out. The Trans Am pulls up and Doctor D climbs out the passenger side.

"any news?" Ghoul asks, as Jet Star, Kobra Kid, Rainbow Apocalypse and a new person step out.

Doctor D smiles down at the new person an ushers them forward. "we found him out wanderin' the zones. All alone"

The kid looks to be about seven. He's got dirty blonde hair and he looks quite fearful. It takes me a moment to realize I'm the cause of his fear. Standing with my gun, poised for attack....I must look terrifying.

Inwardly smirking at my terrifying-ness, I step forward and kneel before him. "I won't hurt you. Ok?" I turn and smile evilly at space cola. "I can be friendly"

He smiles at me and jumps into my arms, hugging me around the neck. I stagger back, surprised.

I hear laughter behind me as I try and detach him. It's no use. Little bugger has muscles, I'll give him that much.

"c'mon...off now..." I gently pry his arms from my neck. He released and drops onto his feet.

"you're extremely pretty" he grins.

I blush. "haha...thanks?"

He nods in satisfaction and walks back to D. Cyanide grabs me from behind and pulls me into his chest. "he's right you know...." he whispers into my ear.


"you're pretty. Gorgeous. Amazing. Absolutely terrifying. Awesome. Avocado."

I laugh. "avocado?"

He kisses my cheek. "avocados are the best!"

I nod in agreement and laugh again. "avocado...."

~ ~ ~

-New Kid's POV-

Hm, these people are nice. I like them. I think I'll stay.

The lady with purple and black hair kisses her boyfriend on the lips. I giggle and wander over. I tug on his jacket a few times.

He looks down at me and half smiles. "Yeeeeees?"

I giggle again and point at the lady. "are you in love?" I ask.

He smiles widely and kisses her nose. "yupp"

I grin and run off, over to to the red haired man. "hullo!" I call.

He grins and waves. "hello there. I'm party poison"

"hi party poison. I'm Jagger"

I sit down next to him and cross my legs. He continues smoking his cigarette, staring at something. I follow his gaze and I see his friend. "he has pictures on his arms" I point out.

Party Poison chuckles and nods. "yes he does. And in a lot of other places"

I tilt my head to the side and watch the man closely. As he laughs, he throws his head back and I spot another one. "a...scorpion?" I ask curiously.

Poison nods. "and heaps others. He loves getting them."

I grin toward the man. "maybe one day I can have one!" I say enthusiastically.

Poison laughs loudly and claps me on the shoulder. "not for a long time, Jagger....."

I study him for a moment. The way he looks at that man. Hm. I've seen that look before.

"Mr Poison? Are you in love with someone?" I ask.

Poison leans his chin on his hand and throws me a small smile. "Yes, I believe I am"

"is it with that man over there?"

Poison nods. "yes. His name is Fun Ghoul. I love him very much"

I frown. "and he loves you too?"

"I assume so" Party Poison laughs, frowning slightly.

I look between Poison and Ghoul, them back again. "is that....allowed?" I ask tentatively.

Poison looks sad for a moment. "Some people don't believe so..." he sighs noisily.

I perk up and smile widely at him. "I think you should love anyone you want. Dont matter if they're a boy or a girl!"

Poison smiles and ruffles my hair. "good..." he looks thoughtful and then mischievous. "anyone you like, then?"

"no!" I cry out indignantly.

Poison ruffles my hair again. "that's alright Jagger. You will one day though..."


Whatcha guys think of Jagger :D He's gonna be in the fic from now on hehe.

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