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Amazon | Twenty Three

It was night, dark and everyone should be sleeping. Hearing something snap Rhea's head jerked up, her eyes squinted, attempting to adjust to the light in the tent. Achilios and Eleni were still sleeping, curled up together on the furs away from the door. Rhea and Bastian slept near the entry to the tent, their weapons close to them just in case they needed to fight someone.

Rhea curled her hand around the hilt of her dagger, prepared to launch herself at the enemy. She peered out at the tortures that were being carried by whoever had entered their camp. The people were silent but there was still the sound of their armour. Rhea shook Bastian and he almost cried out, she put her lip over his fingers and narrowed her eyes. She then nudged her head toward the tent, it seemed Bastian was now aware of the threat.

He leaned beside her as they watched the torches, peering out from behind the tent flaps, trying to appear as if they were not there. Bastian hurried out of the tent, his sword in hand as he charged at them. The soldiers around the camp jumped up and began to fight. Rhea hurried forward, her dagger in hand as she attacked one of the men. Her dagged cut through the man's flesh – she was not sure where, it was too dark to tell.

"Halt!" A man cried and light suddenly appeared, torches lit up and Rhea's eyes adjusted to the light. Her dagger was pointed at the man's throat and his sword was pointed right at her thigh, ready to sink in. Bastian was caught in a similar position as were all the men. The Amazon women had all left their tents and were holding their own makeshift weapons, Achilios and Eleni had crawled out of the tent.

"Who do you think you are?" Bastian spat as he pulled away his sword, "Step back." Rhea had to fight herself to accept Bastian's words and listen to him. Every bone and muscle in her body was screaming to continue to fight the men off.

"I am Commander Lucius of Rome," he spoke with an air of confidence, puffing out his chest. "We are looking for a girl, her mother disappeared from us. She is the daughter of our Emperor's sister."

"What is her name?" Bastian asked as he looked over at Rhea who was staring at the commander in suspicion.

The commander frowned, "Marcellina Octavius."             

Rhea heard a little gasp and she turned her head, Eleni stood shaking in front of the tent. Achilios stood tall like a protector just in front of her, Eleni's legs seemed to shake as her eyes widened. The man's eyes widened and his face softened. Rhea narrowed her eyes at the man in suspicion, the Amazon women behind her were all muttering in disgust, showing their hatred for men.

"Uncle Lucius!" Eleni cried and hurried forward, running toward the man who bent down to swing the little girl into his arms.

"Where is your mother Marcellina?" Rhea narrowed her eyes at the man who held the little girl. Why had she lied about her name?

"She died," the little girl began to wail, "My little brother died too!"

Lucius looked clearly shocked, "What was she killed by?"

Marcellina became quiet and began to avoid the question, Rhea watched as Lucius lifted her up into his arms. Rhea wanted to launch across the ground and yank the little girl out of his arms. Achilios appeared beside her and she laid a hand on his shoulder, squeezing softly. She then turned her head, narrowing her eyes as she noticed a shape behind the men.

There was a woman, she appeared weak and beaten. None of the Amazon women seemed to notice her but Rhea did and she knew that it was the girl who had been taken. Rhea's shoulders tensed as she narrowed her eyes and looked at the men. Some of them seemed to lean closer to the woman, as if ready to grab her if she tried to run. They were prepared for an escapee.

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