C H A P T E R 26

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We were back near the port. Neither one of us had said a word for a long time, we just sat down and let the wind make the sounds to fill the silence. She was itching to say something but she wouldn't speak, so I just watched the waves and let her talk when she wanted to because where was the rush? Although, my fingers were wanting to reach for the cigarettes in my pocket.

"Your father came to talk to me." And just like that, I broke and reached for the cigarettes in my pocket, taking them out and lighting it. I inhaled deeply, letting the effects of the poison fill me up before I breathed it out. He had gotten to Enna, he had made his way to talk to Enna and for the first time in a long time, I was scared.

"What did he say to you?" I questioned after a while of trying to collect my thoughts and pushing the fear away, but the jitters that rose to my fingers wouldn't stop. My eyes flickered to hers and I could see the shadow of doubt in her eyes, she was trying to figure out whether she should answer or not. My hand shot out to her arm and she gasped.

"He said sooner or later, you'll realise you're exactly like him." My grip on her instantly loosened and it was because of how she said it, like she thought that he was telling her the truth. "That you'll end up like him, you'll get into drugs, sex, drinking and you won't be able to get out. You'll be like your father."

"Did he say that last bit, or was that you?" I questioned, my eyes resting calmly on the waves, trying to calm myself down. "I said the last part and it's better if you hear it from someone before you really fuck up, Joey." I scoffed at the last part. Ironic how someone wants to help you after you're already trying to get rid of the shit you dd.

"Don't you think that someone's already tried to get it through my thick head already?" I took the cigarette out of my mouth and flicked it into the water before blowing out the last bit of smoke. "Drew already spoke to me, nerd. Right after I saw my father out at the early morning, just wandering around the streets and waiting for me, his son."

Silence filled out between us again. "He said...he said one way or another, you're going to talk to him because he's your dad." I started laughing, lowly at first before I full on burst out laughing. I didn't stop until I was able to start speaking and that's where I vented out my anger. "Because he's my dad? You want to know something Enna? He was never my fucking father.

"He never turned to care for me, he would always look at me different. He knew that I was his son, sure, his own flesh and blood but did he ever care for me like Josey did? She made sure I made it to school, she made sure that I didn't get hurt, she got beat down by that fucking coward but she still managed to get me food. She managed to get me out of there!

"It was more than my mother could ever do but did I give a fuck? I was three, four maybe. I remember it all and it won't get the fuck out of my head." I shouted, but she wasn't scared. Enna sat there and she listened to whatever I had to say, so I didn't stop. "He would hit her, he would make her fuck whoever he wanted to in return for what? Drugs, cash, any fucking thing he pleased and now he wants to be my father?

"I was in a foster home, I was in a fucking foster home because cops found out about Josey, my mom and that fucker, but it makes it alright now because he wants to be my dad? He wants me wrapped up more in the shit he does so much, he wants to watch his own son crumble to pieces but you know what the funny thing is?" I questioned, looking towards Enna through blurry eyes.

"I already fucked up. I already fucked up and let everything around me crumble. Sure it never got to the people that saved me, but it took me down and I let it because I couldn't watch anything happen to them." I breathed out a shaky breath. "I left the kid that loved to draw stuff to make his sister happy and made myself turn into this.

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