Chapter 2 : Him

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Nero opens the van's door, the sunlight reflects directly on his pale face. He is too beautiful to be a boy anyway...warm heat makes him relax. Sincerely, in his mind still worrying about those old men...

"Stupid idiots old man.... They shouldn't have done that... I used to be with them, and why they push me away?" he says with disappoint.

Suddenly, the ground shakes like earthquake. Strong feelings flow though his mind, he always remember that kind of feel......

"The Hell gate...!"

He clenches his fist, closes the van's door and sighs, "Gonna kick some ass right now..."he prepares his sword, follows the feeling that where the Hell Gate is.

On the way to Hell Gate, he is confuses that who was the one opened the gate.

It can't be Dante. He is now with Vergil in the hell world, besides they were the persons who closed the gate in the last mission. If it's not them, it must be someone who has more strength and ability to open the gate.

Well, in hell world, it doesn't even have any demon that has a bit of wisdom. They are more like zombies hanging around which only thinking about bloods and kill, just their lethality are more mortal than other creatures.

There is only one demon that has enough qualifications, which killed Dante and Vergil's parents. His name is Mundus.

Well, it can't be him too. He had been killed by Dante many years ago, or maybe he is still alive?

"Like hell! That bastard is back???" Nero confuses.

Dante had told him that Mundus was the one who killed his parents, piercing their heart by using his own hand. This is why Dante became a lazy but legendary devil hunter, and Vergil became a person who desire power and tries to rule the world.

Although they are not Nero's parents, but at least they are his grandparents anyway.Nero runs further to the direction,he swears he will revenge for his grandma and grandpa."This time ,is my turn to rip off your ass Mundus!!"he yells and rushes.

Gradually, he can sees the black and bloody gate,but this one is quite smaller than usual...

Normal one can be bigger than a high tower....well this one is just as big as a hut.That's curious...

When Nero closer to the gate,demons appear on the street. Nero prepare his sword and start aggressive."Hey! Let me see what cha got, demons!!"pulls out his sword, gather his power ,then began a massacre.

The bloods erupt out from the demons that which riped by Nero.Bloods dye on his snowy hair, and covered at everywhere on his clothes.Bloody face is suitable for him ,so am Dante,this make him feels great.

He gathers his power on his right hand,forms a huge light power and smashes on the demons.The strong power,bloody hands,darkness dawn and slaughter of demons make him like a beautiful loner hunter with romantic.

But in his mind ,still suffering that last time Dante called him a deadweight...and what his father have done to him...

Although his arm have grown back, but the pain and disapointness always repeating in his memories.He hates Dante that he didn't told him he has a family.Does he knows how was Nero's childhood?

Fears,disapoint, bullies, desire,pain ,hopeless,those are everything in his childhood memories. He wish for love,and nobody cares but mistreated him.Everyone hates him because he has a demon arm.

They said because he has this danger demon arm, so that's why he had been abandoned. He hates himself ,he hates that he has a weird ugly arm...and he cried every night...

Luckily, he has Kyrie and his brother Credo stay by his side. He was happy that he still has friends,but last few years he met Dante in the mission,Credo was gone because of him. he blamed himself that he was weak,not enough strength, so he started to improve his strength with his demon arm.

After the bad time passed, a man appears at their repair store.Riped off his demon arm in unheralded, took away his power and the sword that Dante let him to keep last time.

When he finally can revenge the man who have done to him,and Dante just suddenly blocked his way and said oh, he is your father so I can't let you kill your old man! Anyway, the sword that I gave you is his sword! then he have all the" fun"with Vergil.

Back then, his devil power awaken ,turned to devil version and flied to stop his two idiots old men for not killing each other.Said I'm not letting you die!!!and--- he wons.

In the end,they happily flied to the demon world together,and left him behind.....again!!

That's all about the whole event,he can't believe that the man who only desire for power and riped off his arm is his father. He can't expects this, he is confuse that why Vergil left him.Does he still have a heart?Does he feels any emotion?Doesn't he feels pain inside his heart when abandoned me???

Those thoughs make Nero feels pretty ,pretty sad."Damn it! Just forget about it...."he swears and continues the slaughter.

The bloods mix up with his clothes ,shadow appears on the red ground,impressive speed and strength destroy the demons in one by one."Oh!Why the gate is small but there's still many demons??"sighs.

"Gonna use my devil form now..." his skins turn to hard scales,the horns which representing symbol of devil reach out with the agressive yellow devil's eyes. The claws grow out sharp, his snowy hair grow long like a beautiful angel.Lastly, a pair wings reach out from his back like a devil's hand,those make Nero looks like a devil with apair of angel's wings.

"Umn, don't know whether Kyrie will like my new form or not...." he says with concerns. Nero do some little excersice to make his body more comfortable, turns back and glares at the demons with his demonstic yellow eyes."Come on, damn ass!!Let's get some rock!"he shouts with complacent, and continues the battle.

During the slaughter, he found that those demons are not interest at him, they are more like finding something.Some of them are ignoring him, or even not defeat to him like they have a dead wish.

Unexpectedly, he hears a demon shouts,"Sparda's new bloodline...!"

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