Chapter 6: Back to Home, Nero:"We Need A Doctor..."

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Bell rings from the Castle Town of Fortuna, It passes through the Island with the light wind. The laugh of children appears in the Home of Children as they heard the bell. A women walks slowly out of the veranda, light-brown hair swing and makes her like a gorgeous mermaid.

She sighs ,watching the kids running around the yard, expecting her childhood friends return. He have been gone for weeks from the day he left, between those days ,she had exhausted to take care more orphans which their parents had been killed by Qilphoth.

She was worried about him too, about the last call that told her he is coming home.But why is it takes weeks? Are they get trouble? Is there something wrong?

All of a sudden ,she hears the children gasping. She immediately rush to the yard,because she knows he is back.Everytime when he is back, the kids will gasping or cheer for him.Rushing down the stairs ,and she can actually hears the vrooming.

As she opens the yard's gate, the van directly pass in front of her synchronously with a mortally speed...that was if she walks a step forward, she will get slammed by the van.But looks like she is not even care about herself ,she knows if they come back with that deadly speed,it must be something wrong...

The van crashes into the yard's wall and forms a huge flaw."YOU NEARLY KILL HER YOU IDIOT!!!!!"a male voice shouts.

"Oh!Now you wanna blame me??!You are the one who powered up the engine's speed!!!"

"But you drives it!!!"a loud arguing cames from the van, she walks beside the van and knocks the van's door."Nero?"she calls out, and the door opens.

A teen with a snowy hair and a pair of blue eyes standing in front of her, he gives a shyly smile,with a pair of eyes which is full of love,"Hey Kyrie..." he whispers,and his face turns red as usual.

"Welcome home." Kyrie smiles back.His partner,Nico who is beside him is just standing there and watching the couples making sweet love,"Oh Nero,are you hurt?" she move towards him ,touches softly on the scar that on his face.This makes his face becomes more red.

"'s nothing"

"Is it pain?"

"N...No it's not hurt..."

"Wait ,your arm grown back?!"

"Emmmnn.... this is a long story....."

"Wow! I'm happy for you!!"

"...Th..Thanks."in their scence is like a pink zone,spilling their love hearts to everywhere.Only at Nico side is colourless and awkward."Emmmmmmmnnn...Nero-I-think-you-have-forgot-about-somethingggggggg-"

Well, the most depressed one is not Nico yet, it's the one who still passing out inside the van and also being forgetten by people.......the pitiable teen-Ika.

"Oh!!I almost forgot!"Nero switches back to reality,rush back into the van and check out the patient.When he reaches till end of the van ,Ika had rolled out from the sofa and lying on the ground like a feeble slug......

Messy hair with some bloods on it, body lands on the ground like just been threated terribly.Swollen legs and hands,on his belly looks like hitten by a hammer....and still they can actually see the drops of tears on his he really cried.

"Did...he stillll a..aliveeee...?"Nico says when she sees the pitiable patient."Oh my goodness!!!He is hurt!"Kyrie responds.In fact ,he is not hurt too bad by the demons ,he got heal himself a little,but at the time they drive,trumbling van shaked him out off the sofa ,and rolled around on the ground.....the angle of the table hit on his belly...and that's why he passed out and everyone see him hurted so bad....

"......We need a doctor."says rigoruosly by Nero.

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