Chapter 4 : Nero: "Where the hell is the telephone booth???"

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In a gorgeous morning, there's a women who sleeping like a corpse with putting a magazine on her face,and.....she finally waken by the ear piercing howl.

She shocks and jump out the sofa,"What the hell Nero!!!!!Don't just suddenly shout like a duck!Stupid Asshole!!"She swears loudly in the van."If you wanna avenge, you can choose other ways!Not like this!!"

Nico walk to the front to give him a punch,but Nero isn't there.She calls Nero's name ,there's no one reply.She starts to feel strange and rubs her messy hair.

She looking around for Nero and still did not found him anywhere.Suddenly,a though appears in her mind, "Hell no...It can't be that duckling howl is Nero....."

She immediately rushes to the driver seat ,start the engine in seconds ,and speed up the van to find Nero in the abandoned town."This is serious...Kyrie gonna kill me if he get trouble...!"  swears with frighten.

Nico drives her van like a sports car, it hits everything that on the street even the police car...

"Where the hell are you...!!!"she yells and searching, there is no one but lots of bloody demon's corpse around the street and buildings.

Well, everytime when Nero needs help,he will use the telephone booth to call her,but this time he didn't. Nico drives through all the path , brake the walls,and still can't find him."Bastard...!"

After a moment, she drives to a city, she sees a lot of demons appears and she know Nero is not far away now.As she figure that why there's plenty of demons here, her smart brain determine, "Oh ...the hell gate!"she suddenly relized.

She speeds up the engine,and crash through the demons.In slow motion ,the demons are hitting by the van.Their brains ,bone,and bodies grind under the wheels ,spilling out bloods and cover all over the windows and wheels.Nico just use the window cleaner to wipe it leisurely...

"Get out of my way! Arbovirus!!"Nico yells.Luckily the "duckling howl" rise again,so that she can find Nero quickly."Hope you would not get riped by the demons Nero..." she says with pessimistic though and drives to the sound where it came from.

On the other side, the demon hunters are killing the demons.Nero smashes the demons into pieces, their bloods spill on Nero's face like having a Songkran Festival...that's make him feels great .In fact,the youngest one was and he had no strength anymore.

Ika breathes heavily ,holding his wound , use up all his remaining power and gives a last tear for one of the demons.As the demon fallen,the next one replaces it. There are too many demons here although the gate is small.

Because of the hard pain,his sight getting dizzy and he falls down on the ground.At the time he falls,Nero observes and run towards to lift him up."Are you okay?!"he concerns.

Ika doesn't replies him but groaning.His wounds getting bigger and flewing out river of bloods with non stop. Somehow , there's more demons appears, Nero can't defeat them if they keep increasing.

He swears,carries Ika to escape from the demons.He flies through the demons, the light power that surrounding him makes him like a ray shining through the darkness.His high speed is enable to kill the demons that blocking their way and turn them into ash.

Nero found a building which is empty and dark. He cross over the window,put Ika down and closes it up.Inside the building is totally dark and silence,only little light that reflect from outside through the window can let him sees something. 

The destroyed buildings shake as the ant-like demons passing by, they hide under the window, demon's shadows appear on the light that reflect in front of Nero.

After the demons have gone, Nero tries to find the telephone booth to call Nico to brings them out of this place.Then he will settles the matters about what's going on with Ika?why the gate opened?and where are the old men?

"Jizz!Where is the telephone booth!?"he swears and searching around, after all he won't bring any mobile phone with him.

He didn't found anything in this area, so his come back to check the injured family,"Ika, you okay?" the teen opens his heavy eyelids  sufferly, whispering"Sorry...I am too weak,just need some more time to heal myself."he groan. Ika knows he is too weak to fight, too weak to help,and too weak to defeat "him".

"I can give you power ."Nero don't says any excuse ,hold his hand and transfer his power to Ika.

Ika was confused. "Wait! you...."Ika haven't finishes his sentence, Nero interrupts him and says"Don't worry , I have plenty of strength!"Nero says ,because he knows he need powers to heals.
Then Ika get speechless...

Perhaps Nero unquestionable have unlimited strength inside him...but that means Ika is properly weaker than that's why he speechless.

"Okay ,after you healed ,we need to find telephone booth to call Nico which is my we can take the van and escape from this place......"

As Nero is busying in healing, there is a shadow catches Ika's attension ,he looks up to the window and sees the window that behind them have a shapeless gloomy face covering the light. It have a huge ugly face and plenty of red eyes which glaring at them...

Nero observes the change that on Ika's face, he knows something is behind them, he immediately turns back and...............

Well, he has regret that he had turned over his head, because the mysterious thing is pretty close to his face,as Nero's conclusion, it's the most scariest demon ever in his life ,it just.....too ugly...

It's mouth is like a bloody sea weed, every eyes have a bit of bloody reflection. The bare hair, decayed face ,huge body, every part of it are extremely disgusting....

"Is that a new type of......"Nero haven't swears finish ,Ika's scream interrupt him.His face turns pale and bloodless and makes a howl that more high pitch than the first has piercing Nero ears....Well ,Ika's totally frightened like he is in a ghost house...

The mysterious calls out the other demons,but before they gush over, Ika immediately flaps his healed wings ,his power getting stronger after Nero transfered to him. He graps Nero's arm , crashes through the buildings in 100m per seconds to the street.The demons have no idea where they go now although there is a huge crashed hole ...

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