~Back to Kokiri Forest~

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Impa and Link crossed the drawbridge, looking out to the field. They looked to their left, Impa pointing the way.

"The next stone you must retrieve is that way, inside Death Mountain. It is home to the Gorons, they are the ones who hold a spiritual stone. At the foot of the mountain is my home village, Kakariko. You may find good advice from the villagers before you head up the mountain.

"And remember, Link. The melody I taught you holds a strange power. You can use it to prove your connection to the royal family. Zelda will wait for your return. Until then, farewell."

Impa threw a deku seed, disappearing. Link jumped at this, then looked up at Navi.

"Should we head up the mountain?" he asked.

Navi shook her head, landing on his shoulder.

"Let's go tell Saria the good news! And check on everyone else!"

Link shifted his weight, looking up at Navi.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, then started for the Kokiri Forest. Link followed, passing her. They made it to the forest by nightfall and headed in.

They found some Kokiri heading home to rest for the night. One caught sight of Link, jumping in surprise.

"Link's back!" they called.

Everyone else looked up and ran over to Link. The crowd of Kokiri bombarded him. They tossed questions back and forth.

A sharp cough filled the air, and the Kokiri parted. Mido walked forward, glaring at Link.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded.

Link frowned as Navi landed on his shoulder.

"I came to see Saria," he said.

Mido scoffed, leaning forward.

"She's not here right now."

"Then where is she?"

"She went in the lost woods!" another Kokiri spoke up before Mido could reply.

He turned and glared at him, unaware that Link had snuck away from the group.

Navi flew up to the hollow log, waiting for Link to join her. They looked in, a quiet tune playing.

"I wonder what that music is?" Link whispered.

"Let's go find out!"

Navi flew into the Lost Woods with Link on her tail. They came to a branching path, more hollow logs around them.

"But, which way do we go?"

"I'll go fly and see if I can find Saria, wait here, Link!"

"Navi, wait!"

Navi flew above the walls and away. Link sighed, then looked around.

Music played around him, a playful tune. He looked right and left, then started left. But the music grew quiet. He paused, then moved right. It grew louder.

He looked up, trying to spot Navi. But she was long gone. Link went through the tunnel. In the next clearing was a fence, a ladder leading down, and a tree. A piece of wood hung from the tree by a vine, and a deku scrub slept on top.

Link pulled out his slingshot, just to pass time. He aimed for the middle and hit it. He did this several more times. The deku scrub suddenly popped up, scaring Link.

"Hey, you hit a perfect bull's eye three times! That's awesome! I got a present for you!"

The deku scrub shot a bag at Link. He caught it, examining it.

"That's a bigger bag for you to hold seeds for your slingshot!"

The Deku scrub returned to it's bush. Link put the bag away, then moved on. He tried left and found the music getting louder. So he continued. In the next clearing, there was an entrance made of stone, leading into darkness.

Link stepped forward, but was stopped.

"Hey, Link, up here! Hoo hoo!"

Link looked up to see the owl perched on the right log.

"It is good to see you again, boy! Hoot hoot! If you continue through the Lost Woods, you'll reach the Sacred Forest Meadow. Very few people have been there," He paused, before hooting, "I hear a mysterious tune, hoo hoo! I wonder what it is? Hoo!"

He flapped his wings and flew away. Link started to listen when Navi came down.

"Link, I told you to stay!"

"I didn't want to wait, I was getting worried!"

Navi huffed, then landed on Link's head.

"I found a way to this old place, I'll tell you where to go!"

Link nodded, then followed Navi's instructions. Within minutes, they made it to the Sacred Forest Meadow.

Link watched in awe as they came into the clearing. He started for a maze when a gate popped up, and something howled behind him. He turned to see a Wolfos running for him. He pulled his sword and shield out as Navi hid.

The Wolfos stopped in front of Link, then began to circle him. Link jumped forward to attack, but missed. The Wolfos took the chance and hit Link's back, scratching him. Link cried out, then held up his shield to block any incoming attacks.

"Navi, what do I do?!"

Navi peeked out, watching the Wolfos.

"Wait for it to attack. Then hit it, quickly!"

Navi guided Link through the battle until the Wolfos was defeated. Link sighed as he slid to the ground in exhaustion.

"Navi, I'm so tired," Link mumbled.

His vision blurred before he blacked out. Navi settled next to the exhausted boy who seemed to be in pain even in his sleep. Navi laid Link down on his side while examining his injured back.

"I'll need some help with this," she muttered, before flying off.

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