~King Dodongo~

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Link stood in front of the final door. He looked up at it before passing through. In the next room was a crack in the floor. Link placed a bomb on the ground and backed away. It revealed the opening, and Link jumped down. Navi followed him into the room.

Down there was a large lava pit. A roar rose behind Link, making him jump. Turning around, he came face to face with King Dodongo. He jumped and started to back away. Dodongo curled up and rolled past Link, bumping into the wall. He uncurled and turned back to Link.

"Navi, what do I do?" he called.

Dodongo started to suck in air, a fireball forming in his mouth. He shot it out at Link, who moved aside. Dodongo curled up and rolled again.

"When he opens his mouth, throw a bomb in. It'll stun him, then you can hit him."

Link nodded, then ran forward as Dodongo opened his mouth. Link pulled out a bomb, lighting it, then threw it into its mouth. It swallowed the bomb, but it blew up, stunning it. Link ran forward, hitting its face. It cried out, then curled up and rolled around.

Link repeated the process until it let out a final shriek. It curled up and rolled around, before falling into the lava pit. It burned up, cooling the lava, until it disintegrated away.

A floating heart appeared with the blue circle. Link moved over and touched the heart piece, healing the wounds he had. He stepped into the blue circle, Navi pulled in with him. They landed outside, where a few Goron were waiting. Darunia stepped forward, a smile on his face.

"You did well, kid," he said while ruffling Link's hair, "Thanks to you, we can eat the rocks from Dodongo's Cavern again. The little ones will never believe it, how the Dodongo's came in great numbers, then the big rock blocking the entrance. I still don't know how it happened."

Darunia scratched his head as a Goron tapped his shoulder.

"You didn't hear, Big Brother? It was a kid, he just lifted the boulder and put it in front. He looked kinda like him, even had a fairy too!"

"Hmm... I wonder why? Still, Link, you risked your life to help us. Kid, I like you! Why don't we become Sworn Brothers? There's no big ceremony or anything, just take this as a token of our friendship!"

Darunia pulled out the Goron's Ruby, then handed it to Link. Link looked at it in awe, admiring its beauty. He carefully put it away as Darunia continued talking.

"I know you'll keep improving your skills as you travel."

Darunia placed his hand on Link's head again, ruffling his hair.

"Take care, Little Brother!"

Darunia curled up, then rolled back up to Goron City.

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