~The Hylian Shield~

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As the sun rose, Cuccos cawed as they ran from their pen. The village woke up with the crows and got to business. Feathers fluttered into Link's face, tickling his nose. He let out a sneeze, waking up to a face full of feathers. Swatting them away, he sat up.

A feather landed on Navi's sleeping form. As the dust settled from the movement, Navi let out a sneeze. It spooked the Cuccos and sent the feathers flying. Link giggled as he scooped Navi up onto his shoulder.

"Let's go, Navi! I want to see what the Gorons are like!" Link exclaimed.

Navi rubbed her eyes before flying from Link's shoulder. She let out a yawn and followed behind. The pair made their way up to the gate leading to the Death Mountain Trail. Once they reached it, they slowed to a stop. The gate was closed.

"Sorry kid, no one is allowed on the trail without approval from the Royal Family."

They turned to the guard who stood watch to the side.

"I have a letter from Princess Zelda, will that let me on the trail?" Link asked.

The guard grumbled, then held out his hand. Link pulled the letter from his pocket before handing it to the guard. He looked it over, then burst out laughing.

"This is Link. He is under my orders to- to save Hyrule! Wah ha ha ha ha!"

Link looked up at Navi, confused. She shrugged, and they looked back at the guard. He calmed from his laughing fit, wiping at his eyes.

"Poor Princess Zelda must have come up with another funny game. Ha ha ha ha ha! You can go get your 'task' done for the Princess. Just be careful, Mr. Hero, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He let up a signal and the gate slowly slid open. After finishing his last laughing fit, he took in a deep breath.

"By the way, Mr. Hero, if you're heading up the mountain, you'll need a better shield than that wooden one. The volcano is active, after all. The Bazaar back in Castle Town should have a metal shield you could use. It would be big, but you can figure out how to use it. Just tell them I sent you and you should get a good discount."

The guard pocketed the letter then let out a sigh.

"And while you're there, mind doing me a favor? You don't have to, if you don't want. But there's a Happy Mask Shop in the Market. Everyone's talking about it, including my son. He pesters me for a mask, but I don't have time to go get it. So could you go get the mask for me? It's all right if you don't, but, it would mean a lot to my little boy."

"I'll see what I can do."

The guard smiled and nodded. Link turned, then took off. Navi flew close behind as they left Kakariko village.

"Are you gonna get the mask for him?" Navi asked.

"Of course! It doesn't hurt to be nice, and he's helped us too!"

"I guess."

Navi landed on Link's shoulder as they crossed the drawbridge. Stepping into the Market, Link turned right for the Bazaar. He opened the door and stepped into the dimly lit room. He stepped up to the counter and looked over. A burly man stared down at him from the other side of the counter.

"What d'ya want, kid?" he asked.


Link looked at the bottom right shelf, then pointed to the shield.

"Can I have that shield?"

The man picked it up and set it on the counter.

"The Hylian Shield costs 80 rupees."

"The guard at Kakariko told me I could get a discount if I mentioned him."

"Well, then 55 rupees."

Navi dropped Link's wallet onto the counter. She and Link pulled out 55 rupees, then slid them to the man. He counted to make sure it all was there, then handed Link the shield.

"Here you go, boy."

"Thank you!"

Link took the shield and left the Bazaar. As the door shut behind them, Link slid the Hylian shield over his shield and sword.

"That shield is really big! I don't think you can use it like you can use your wooden one, Link."

"I could use it another way! It's still on my back, so maybe-"

A ball flew towards Link. He ducked, and it bounced off his shield. Navi brightened and landed on Link's shoulder.

"Yeah! You could use it like that!"

They watched as a group of young boys ran towards the ball so they could continue their game.

"Alright, what was next?" Link asked.

"The Happy Mask Shop! But I don't know which shop that is."

"Let's go look around, I'm sure we'll find it."

Link took off down the street with Navi close behind.

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