~Enemy Revealed~

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"Mido..." Link whispered as the boy turned to him.

Mido smiled evilly as his fairy cowered in fear.

"I was hoping you wouldn't make it this far. But you aren't much of a challenge anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Mido waved his hand, sending Link flying across the room. Navi and Zelda cried out as he landed on the floor. Ganondorf grit his teeth, tightening his grip on his sword. Link sat up weakly, looking at Mido worriedly.

"Mido, why are you doing this?!" Link yelled.

Mido looked back at him with a blank look before releasing a sigh. He looked away with a frown.

"You won't understand," he muttered.

Link got to his knees and pulled out his sword.

"You don't have to do this, Mido!"

Mido scowled, turning his attention to Ganondorf and Zelda.

"I already eliminated the others, you're all that's left! So let me kill you!"

A sword appeared in Mido's hand and he charged for Ganondorf. Zelda backed away as metal clanged against metal. Mido was strong, despite his size.

Link got to his feet, looking over at Zelda. She held a worried hand over her heart as she made her way over to Link. She turned to him and held her hand out.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Link nodded as he got to his feet. Zelda looked back at the fighting two, her frown growing.

"I was wrong about Ganondorf, he saved my life. That boy, Mido, he nearly killed Impa. They took her back to Kakariko, and Gerudo warriors should be on their way to help. But they might be too late. Ganondorf is growing weaker, he needs help!"

"I can help! I have to! Mido is... he's my friend."

Link started forward, but Zelda stopped him.

"Please, be careful Link."

He nodded and ran forward to help. Ganondorf saw him come, but paid no attention to keep Mido's attention on him. Link let out a cry as he pushed Mido away from Ganondorf.

Mido was knocked aside, the two boys landing on the ground. Mido knocked Link aside and got back on his feet. Link joined him, holding his Deku shield up. Mido hit the wood, chipping away a small piece.

Ganondorf joined in the battle, swinging at Mido. Mido jumped aside, Ganondorf's attack barely missing Link. A light came from where Zelda stood. She shot a ball of light at Mido, but it hit the wall.

Mido turned to Zelda and started advancing for her. She whimpered and failed to make another ball of light. Ganondorf and Link rushed Mido in sync, but both of their attacks were blocked.

"Mido, stop this!" Link yelled.

"NO! You took everything from me! You ruined everything! It's all your fault!"

Mido slashed at Link, but he jumped back. Ganondorf reached to take hold of Mido's tunic, but he cut his hand. Ganondorf growled in pain, pulling his bleeding hand back. Link ran forward and swung at Mido but missed.

"You're not the Mido I know! You're not the Mido that was my friend!"

"I was never your friend!"

Mido slashed at Link, nipping at his arm. Link hissed as blood began to trail from the wound. The three boys shared slashes at each other, each attack missing.

They soon grew tired and stood in a triangle. Ganondorf and Link eyed Mido, Mido eyeing the two. They stood that way for a long time. During their stare down, they heard cries from outside.

Link turned to peek, but it was his mistake. Mido rushed for Link, but Ganondorf jumped in the way, blocking the attack. Zelda watched outside as an invisible force killed the Gerudo warriors who came to help. She whimpered, looking back at the three boys.

The fight was nowhere near ended, and they all were exhausted. Zelda had tried her magic one too many times before Link arrived and now needed rest she could not get.

The boys regained their triangle formation, still watching each other. Link trembled from exhaustion, Ganondorf barely holding his ground. Mido smirked at them, his power much stronger than theirs combined.

"Look at how weak you are! You should give up!" Mido called.

"No! Not until I save you!"

"I don't need saving! You're the one who brought this on yourself!"

"What would Saria say about this?! What would the other Kokiri say about this?! This isn't you, Mido!"

"It doesn't matter! They're all dead now! And you can't do anything about it!"

Mido rushed for Link, Ganondorf moving a second too slow. Link barely blocked the hit, and the blade dug itself into Ganondorf's side instead. He let out a roar of pain as Mido smirked. They jumped back.

Link's grip on his sword and shield tightened and Ganondorf gripped his side. Mido smirked at them, holding out his sword.

"Give up already! You can't win!"

"We will win! We have to!"

"No, you won't!"

Mido started forward. Link held his sword up, expecting Mido to attack him. Instead, Mido turned for Ganondorf, who was already starting to defend Link. Before he could react, a dagger pierced his stomach.

Ganondorf let out a cry, pulling back. With two fatal wounds, he staggered back, his breath coming out in rasps. He grit his teeth, glaring at Mido.

"I won't be bested by a kid, I won't let you do this, either!"

Ganondorf rushed forward, his sword held in front of him. Mido held up the dagger as if to block, but snapped his fingers. Dark magic ripped through Ganondorf, tearing his legs from his torso.

He fell to the ground, his sword barely missing him. He let out a cry of pain as blood began to pool on the floor. Mido smirked at Link, who watched Ganondorf in horror.

"You can't win this, Link! I will win! I will defeat you all, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Mido charged for Link. Link stood frozen, unable to react. Mido knocked into him, throwing him across the room. Link hit the wall and fell unconscious.

Navi flew after him as Mido turned his attention to Zelda. She let out a whimper as Mido advanced towards her.

"Say goodbye, Princess."

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