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Link took a seat on the ground, looking up at the tired Navi. She let out a yawn before landing on his shoulder.

"How come you're up this early? You always sleep in," she mumbled.

"I don't want to be in bed all day. I want to do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know... not be in bed all day, I guess."

Navi sighed, turning her attention to the log in front of them.

"Is this why we're in the Lost Woods again? Because you want to do something."

Link nodded before standing up. He started on the path he'd mapped out in his mind, letting the music lead him. Once they reached the Sacred Forest Meadow, Link pulled out his sword and shield.

"The Wolfos should be gone, you defeated it."

Link reluctantly put his equipment away at Navi's words, then started forward. He walked into a small maze, looking both left and right. Letting out a sigh, he turned to Navi for help.

"Which way do I go?"

She flew above the wall, assessing the maze. Once she saw a clear route, she flew down to Link.

"Go that way," she said, gesturing to the right.

Following her directions, Link made it to a set of stairs in a matter of minutes. He hesitated, then stepped into a patch of grass, before stopping on the first stair.

Navi looked down at Link, then flew ahead. Link watched her go, then followed at a slow pace. As Link reached the top, he let out a surprised gasp. Navi rested on his shoulder, watching his reaction.

The tune guiding Link was now at its loudest; the sound coming from a tree stump. A fairy flew above the stump, dancing along with the music. It giggled as it landed on its owner, who smiled at her fairy. They both noticed Link and Navi, their smiles widening.

"You're up early, Link. I haven't seen you awake at this hour in years," Saria said.

Link stumbled over his words as he walked forward until he stood in front of the girl. She set her ocarina aside, turning her attention back to Link.

"I was waiting for you yesterday, but Navi found me and told me you were hurt. We hoped you'd stay in bed and rest for a while, but you won't let it happen," she giggled.

Her fairy settled on her head as she cleared her throat. Standing up, she spread her arms out.

"Welcome to the Sacred Forest Meadow. This is my secret place I come to when I need time to think, or be alone."

She sat back down, clasping her hands on her lap. A melancholy smile sat on her lips as she stared down at her hands.

"I feel like this place will be important to us someday. Or maybe even in another reality. There could be another us, and we'd have to venture into the temple behind me. That would be fun, wouldn't it?"

Saria looked up at Link, her face now with joy. Link couldn't help but return the smile. The two fairies flew up to the broken stone steps above, where they watched their children reunite.

Link took a seat next to Saria on the stump, watching as small fairies and spirits floated around the forest. The two settled in silence, enjoying the presence of their friend.

Saria picked up her ocarina again, playing into it. She picked up the tune she'd been playing earlier, which made the fairies and spirits dance around. Link watched in awe, a large smile on his face.

After a few minutes, Saria stopped playing and looked over at Link.

"I could teach you that song, if you play your ocarina with me!"

Link nodded eagerly, pulling out his fairy ocarina and holding it up to his lips. Saria smiled, holding her ocarina up to her lips. She blew into the instrument, playing the notes.

Link followed along, getting a better understanding of the notes and how to play them. They played the song together for a while, before stopping to take a break.

"You did great, Link! Let me tell you a secret! If you play that song, you can talk to me and hear my voice! We'll be able to talk even when you're not here in the Kokiri Forest!"

"Really? That's so cool!"

Saria giggled at Link's eagerness. They both stood up, their fairies flying down to them.

"Whenever you need help or advice and you're far away, just play my song, and I'll help you however I can!"

Link nodded, then they started back for the Kokiri Forest. Stepping down the last step, Link noticed the ladder against the wall.

"Hey, Saria, what's this ladder for?" he asked.

"Oh, it leads up the wall! Then we can jump over and get out faster. Oh, and there's a fairy fountain too! C'mon, I'll show you!"

Saria climbed up the ladder and waited for Link to follow. Once he reached the top, she moved to the edge of the other side. She jumped down into a hole, squealing as she did so. Link frowned, but followed her anyway. He landed softly on a platform, then stepped down.

Saria was ahead, walking down some steps. Link hurried after her, then stopped at the edge of the fountain. Floating above the water were pink fairies, dancing to soft music coming from within the fountain. They watched the fairies perform their dance, the music never ending.

"Pink fairies can heal any wounds you have. Try one on your injuries and see how you feel!" Saria suggested.

Link walked into the water, bumping into a fairy. It stopped its dance and twirled around Link instead. When it disappeared above his head, the pain in his torso was gone. He turned back to Saria, a wide smile lighting his face.

"It worked!" he exclaimed.

He ran back over to Saria, crushing her in a hug. He ran to the platform and was lifted out of the fountain. Saria followed, the two racing each other back to the Kokiri Forest.

With Link's injuries healed, Saria knew it wouldn't be long before he left again. But as long as he was happy, she would be all right.

The two children and their fairies made it back to the village where the other children were settling down with breakfast. They went to go eat, then spent the day playing with the other children.

Meanwhile, in his own house, Mido grumbled in annoyance that Link was back. He was ready for him to be gone, and to never come back again.

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