~Goron City~

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Link stepped into the city and was greeted by a curled up Goron. It uncurled and stood, studying Link curiously.

"Oh, hello, human. I'm not sure what you want from us, goro. But we have nothing for you. Not with how we are now-"

"What's wrong?" Link asked.

"We're all so hungry, goro. We eat the rocks from Dodongo's Cavern, but we can't get to it anymore. It's making us faint, and really hungry, goro."

He let out a sad 'goro' before sitting back. Link frowned, but continued exploring the city.

To his right, past the Goron was an opening. The same was for his left, except rocks blocked the path to continue on. Taking the one to the right, Link went down a set of steps.

A giant Goron rolled past, barely missing Link. He stumbled back, but ran after the Goron to the next opening.

"I think it'll be easier to jump down," Navi said.

"But what if I hurt myself?" Link asked.

Navi grew quiet, not thinking of the possibility.

They made their way down to the bottom floor, where a crowd of Gorons stood in front of a closed door. Many of them were complaining or rubbing their stomachs. Some of them were even picking at the floor, looking for edible rocks.

Link pushed his way to the front, where he found an older-looking Goron. He paused next to him, and he looked up.

"Excuse me, Mr? What's going on?" he asked.

"Everyone's stressed and hungry, goro. Without access to Dodongo's Cavern, we're all starving. We're waiting for our Big Brother, Darunia, to decide what to do, goro. But he won't come out and explain anything. We might have to wait for a messenger to help us, goro."

The elder Goron took a shaky seat, his joints creaking. Link turned to the big door the Gorons were waiting around. He stopped on a carpet, looking to Navi for guidance. She looked around before landing on Link's shoulder.

"What should we do, Navi? I'm not a messenger, and I don't know where the next Spiritual Stone is."

"Maybe this Darunia has it? But he's locked himself inside."

Navi grew quiet, then flew over to the door. She studied it before returning to Link.

"Maybe if you play Zelda's Lullaby, something will happen?" she guessed.

Link shrugged, but pulled out the fairy ocarina. He played the short tune, and the door opened. The crowd of Gorons began to push forward, knocking Link and Navi aside.

Once the crowd was in, Link trailed behind. In the room, he found the Gorons yelling over each other. In the middle of the crowd stood a tall Goron, a scowl on his face. Tribunal markings circled his arms, stone bracelets coating his wrists.

He looked down at the crowd of Gorons before letting out a groan. The Gorons quieted and looked up at him.

"Who opened the door?" he growled.

The Gorons curled into rocks, revealing Link and Navi. Darunia's scowl deepened as he walked over to him. He looked down at him, Link gulping in nervousness.

"Who are you?" Darunia asked.

"I-I'm Link, and this is my fa-fairy, Navi," Link replied.

Darunia raised an eyebrow, his dark beady eyes piercing into Link.

"What are you doing here, Link?"

"Princess Zelda sent me to get the Spiritual Stone of Fire, and she said it was with the Gorons."

✓ | A Change of Heart | An OoT storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя