Jaw Titan

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Ymir nervously dragged her fingertips over the rough wall of the stone passage, distracting herself with the sharp texture as she descended underground. No Shifter liked being underground; it gave them really bad claustrophobia, because transforming would mean certain death.

They had been walking for several minutes, and according to Sienna, their destination was just ahead. Not that Ymir was looking forward to it.

"Ymir?... You might wanna stop now," Sienna spoke. Ymir looked over and saw that Porco and Sienna had stopped a few feet behind her. In front of them was just plain wall, no door to be seen. Ymir gave them an annoyed look.


Sienna shrugged." This door was designed to be invisible. If someone wanted to break in and got this far, we hope that they would walk right past the door and get lost in the tunnels. They go on for awhile."

Ymir watched silently as Sienna gave the wall a solid shove, pushing it backwards until it slid to the side, revealing a solid oak door. Then she fished around for something under her shirt, pulling out a pendant and a key. Sienna quickly slid the key off her head and inserted it into the lock, opening it with a loud creak.

Ymir stuck her head over Sienna's shoulder and inhaled sharply. Terror slowly snaked it's way up from her stomach and wrapped itself around her heart as she took in the sight in front of her; a large, white walled room filled with white robed people and tables strewn with papers, bottles, and God knows what.

Sienna stepped through the door and spun to look at her companions, stretching out her arms with a small smile on her face." Welcome to the T.B.R.A., a place few people get to see."

Porco huffed and brushed past Ymir through the door." This place is already giving me the creeps."

Sienna dropped her arms and nodded. " Yeah, I know. Just wait till you've got the Jaw within you; it will be a lot worse."

Porco blinked, then turned to look at the freckled girl standing right outside the door." Is that true?"

Ymir scowled." It doesn't matter what the hell is inside of me, this place is creepy enough to scare away anybody."

Sienna shrugged again as she spun around and started walking towards a door on the far end of the room." Try to keep up, you guys!"

As Porco and Ymir began to follow her, Sienna whistled and snapped her fingers.

"Leo! Lucy! Gray! Follow me! We've got work to do!"

Almost immediately, two men and a small woman fell into step behind the scientist. The woman, Lucy, who's long blonde hair swished with her every movement, fell into step beside Sienna.

"Dr. Alchuwitz? What are we doing?" she asked, twisting her hair into a neat ponytail.

"I bet it's something to do with that Titan experiment the Doc's been talking about lately," said the dark haired man.

"I think so too; see him?" said the man with the messy brown hair, jerking his thumb at Porco." He's one of the Titan candidates."

Ymir folded her arms across her chest, feeling her stomach twist. She wished more than anything that Krista was here. She would calm Ymir's nerves, help her stay strong. But she wasn't here.

"You're all right," said Sienna as she led them through the door into another room." These two are here as a test run for our theory."

The work trio nodded quietly in understanding as Sienna continued to lead them through various labs and rooms. In them, Ymir saw more white robed people, looking through those micro things, reading things from important looking papers, mixing things in glass beakers.

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