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"Hello, Loverboy!" Vanessa called out the second she caught sight of the boy.

Adrian smiled. "I don't understand how you keep calling me that. I've never been in a relationship and yet you call me Loverboy." 

"You're a Loverboy, you're loveable and it's only an asshole that would see you and not love you." Adrian laughed. Well, she did get that one right since almost everyone who's met him takes a special liking to him immediately, the only person who's hated him so much so far was Famous, the boy didn't even take the time to get to know him first, he just up and hate him, just like that! Noah isn't his best friend either but at least the boy tries not to be an ass about it. 

"Everyone but Famous." Adrian pointed out. "You know, Oliver beat the crap out of him two days ago." He told her.

"Damn, that boy!" Vanessa placed her hands on her slim hips and bit her lower lip.

"I know, I just can't wait to save up enough to get my own place and Alison is around for a couple of days so I endure restless morning and afternoon because of Famous and his one thousand and one friends!" Adrian yelled.

"It sucks living with those who dislike you. You shared a three-bedroom apartment with these guys and none could keep you in their room expect Oliver." Vanessa frowned.

"Oliver is the only true friend I have and he's really tried for me. I just need to get out of there." 

"That would take a lot longer with you waiting tables, Loverboy," Vanessa replied honestly. 

"I just have to work harder." All the while they spoke, Adrian was changing into his work uniform. All done, he grabbed his notepad and fixed a pen in his mouth, ready to start the night. The restaurant is filling up as usual and Adrian knew it was going to be a long night. A few hours in and Vanessa came running to him. 

"Adrian!" She called excitedly. 

Adrian turned around to meet the excited girl's face. "What?" He asked. Maybe she has just been tipped handsomely. Something has to make her this happy for her to have called him Adrian.

"You see that lady over there?" She asked pointing towards the VIP section. Adrian saw a lady seated alone, with her beautiful brown hair tied up in a bun, she wore a black skirt on a red blouse, with one crossed smooth long leg on another that swayed rhythmically, the action causing her black stilettos to glitter, she looked fashionable and rich. 

"Yes, I see her…" Adrian reluctantly replied. That table is also waited by Vanessa which made this even more confusing. 

"She just gave a job proposal, but I can't do it since you know I will be leaving the city to visit my sister who just had a baby-"

"Van, please you're doing it again!" Adrian called her attention back to the present. She has this habit of shifting topics very quickly and he is impatient to learn about what this job proposal was.

"Sorry," she laughed awkwardly. 

"She's the personal assistant to Elijah Wealthmoor-"

"Elijah, what now?" Adrian asked. If he was confused before, now he's completely lost. 

"You don't know the famous multi-billionaire Elijah Wealthmoor?" She asked and Adrian stared wide eye at her. "The Mr.Wealth of the E.Wealths Group Of Companies!" She yelled with eyes wide open as if Adrian is supposed to know who she was talking about. Just when she figured he still didn't get it, she heaved a sigh and went into more detail. "You can't seriously tell me you don't know or haven't heard of E.Wealths, the Company is too huge for you not to have heard of it!" She yelled.

He's A Man And He Is Mine. {COMPLETED✔}Where stories live. Discover now