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Adrian stood before the mirror, his hands smoothing his hair to the right angle, a smile filled his soul at the boy he saw staring back at him in the mirror. He looked good if he did say so himself, dressed all fancy in a pair of trouser pants and a white long sleeve shirt that he's spent almost an hour ironing. Today is the big day and he could not wait to get this interview over it.

"Dude!!!" Oliver yelled startling Adrian. "What's the big idea?" He asked shocked at his friend's appearance. He's never seen Adrian look this nice since he met him. The boy stood handsomely with his one million dollar smile and his fancy pants. Oliver's brows furrowed suspiciously as he stared at his friend.

"I've got an interview today," Adrian replied without meeting the other boy's eyes. He looked at himself again in the mirror to be certain he looked good and nothing was out of place before he turned around to meet Oliver's still shocked expression and opened mouth.

"A job interview?!" Noah called as he made his way out of his room with a bowl of cereal in his hand.

Adrian was shocked to see that Noah has just spoken to him. That had to be like the fourth word the boy has ever said to him in almost four years. Noah never said a word to him unless it was extremely unavoidable that he do so.

"Yeah, it's a job interview," Adrian replied.

"But you already have a job." Oliver pointed out the obvious.

"I do but I might just be getting a job that would set me up for life!" Adrian told the curious two.

"What kind of job is that?" Noah asked suspiciously.

To say that Adrian isn't surprised that Noah was still speaking to him would be an understatement. He never thought Noah would speak to him until he moves out. He may not have said it out loud or made his hatred know just as Famous always did but Adrian knew better what the boy always thought of him in his mind.

"Pet sitting..." Adrian whispered.

Noah chuckled, "How the fuck is babysitting a bunch of four legs supposed to set you up for life? Sounds like a pretty cheap job to me" Noah spoke his mind.

"Pet sitting Noah that's what its called." Oliver corrected and then face Adrian to throw his own curious question at him. "What kind of pet and whose pet would that be?" Oliver asked.

"Elijah Wealthmoor's Dog," Adrian answered and saw their jaws dropped, even Famous who has been minding his own business watching football on TV turned around to eye him evilly.

"No way!!!" Both boys yelled and as Noah dumped his eating bowl on the table, Oliver grabbed his phone and tapped something in it quickly and then shoved the phone in Adrian's face.

"The Elijah of E.Wealths?" Oliver asked poking at his phone screen. Adrian found himself staring at the gorgeous man with his dog on his best friend's phone. Now he felt really dumb. How was it possible that everyone knows about this man? Well everyone but him.

"How did this happen? I mean, you're just a waiter, how did you land such an opportunity? Do you know who Elijah is?" Noah fired questions that mounts themselves at Adrian. It was obvious that the boy didn't believe him and so did the other one who is now staring at him as if he has suddenly turned to Pinocchio and his nose was growing longer.

"Well, technically I haven't gotten the job yet. In fact, I doubt I will even be getting a job." Adrian told them as a matter of fact.

"Prove it!" Noah demanded.

"Prove what?" Adrian asked confused.

"That what you're saying is true." Adrian didn't know what the boy hoped to gain, but he pushed his hand into his side pocket and pulled out the card Rachel had given to him and handed it over to Noah who stared at it in shock. "Elijah gave you this?" He asked.

He's A Man And He Is Mine. {COMPLETED✔}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant