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"God, my love!" Nova breathed out loudly as she stretched naked beautiful body on the white sheets. "What got into you?" She rolled over to straddle the sexy man on the bed. Elijah had both hands behind his head and his eyes shut tight but he wore a soothing smile on his face. "Tell me, you fucked me like a god!" She caressed his hard chest with both hands and then gently pinched at his prominent hard nipples. "Did you miss me that much?" She laughed softly. 

Right after he's kissed her, he couldn't help but want those lips to be Adrian's and what he did was carry the giggling woman all the way to their bedroom and on their way they discarded all the materials they wore and were both naked when they reached the bedroom, Elijah threw her on the bed and fuck her senseless, all the while he fucked her he thought about Adrian, the smoothness of his skin and the fire their touch had ignited inside of him. But he wasn't going to tell her that now would he? He just slowly opened his eyes to meet the satisfied grin on the woman's face, she was happy and her eyes sparkled with delight. 

"I did miss you." He pushed her over and was soon hovering above the laughing woman. "I just couldn't wait for another second knowing that I have you in my arms." He sealed their lips in a kiss and she moaned. 

"I see Billy made another awesome choice." She whispered into their kiss. 

"Yes!" He answered dismissively. He didn't want to talk about Adrian, he couldn't afford to give anything up for suspicions to arouse. 

Nova noticed the tension in his muscles and she decided it's best she didn't talk about the boy, her husband wanted this moment to be about them and she wouldn't ruin it over irrelevant matters.

"I love you, Elijah." She whispered, her thighs spread apart for her husband's intrusion.

"I love you too, baby." Elijah groaned while thrusting his hardness ever so gently into her wetness.

The thoughts of Adrian resurfacing in his mind. 


Adrian had asked John to take him to Oliver's after they had finished with Billy's photoshoots. He needed to be with someone who truly cared about him, someone he could trust and so far he had just two people he truly trusted. Jonathan was back home and he had it in mind to pay the man a visit sometime during the week but today he wanted to see Oliver, he felt bad having not seen the boy since he starting his new job, although Billy has too many busy schedules and he needs to meet up with every single one of them and on the days Billy has no appointments he takes the dog to where he wishes that is, if Elijah doesn't need his dog and since his family came around, he hardly saw Elijah and on the days he saw him by chance, Elijah tend to ignore him completely as if he never met the boy. Initially, this had worried him so much that he spent two nights restless and wouldn't fall asleep, he would even admit he's cried himself to sleep on one if not more of those nights. He's stayed up glaring at the ceiling and counting sheep in hopes to distract his wandering thoughts and ease his heart so he could sleep. After two weeks had past and Elijah hadn't changed in his attitude towards him, Adrian figured it would be unwise to keep hurting over a man that doesn't care about him.

"I believe we are at your stop." John knocked him out of his thoughts. 

"Thanks," Adrian whispered and tugged on Billy's leash.

"Adrian?" John called. "Are you alright?" The man asked. He's noticed the changes in the once cheerful, vibrant young man. Car rides with Adrian were always filled with jokes and laughter but the past few days it's been a boring silent ride.

"Yes." Adrian lied even though he knew the man didn't believe him but John respected his decision of not wanting to speak and simply shook his head. 

He's A Man And He Is Mine. {COMPLETED✔}Where stories live. Discover now