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The young man sat relaxed with a huge grin glued on his face so much that it looked as if he was born that way. The cool air coming from the car air conditioning mingled with his steady breathing and calmed heartbeats, even the beautiful dog that laid beside him seemed at peace with its head resting on the young man's legs.

The day had turned out much better than he had actually hoped it would and now he felt like he cheated the other boy. A quick glance at the masterpiece right in front of him had his thoughts running wild. He may have indeed cheated the boy but then again, Noah made it so easy.

His heartbeats skipped at the thoughts of his name.

His gorgeousness, his kindness, his gentle voice and those sets of pearly whites that seem to twinkle whenever he gave that killer smile.

How was it possible that he has never actually acknowledged all those good qualities in him before?

Noah didn't give him the chance to acknowledge anything. He had shut him out from his life completely and for years they lived as enemies which were one of the many reasons he had refused when the boy had asked that he got naked.

His breath hitched as he remembered how fast his heart had skipped on hearing that one request.


"Want to see the painting now?" Noah asked and Adrian leaped out of the chair. He had fed Billy some of the cake and the dog had enjoyed it as much as he did. When he went into Noah's room for the first time, he wasn't surprised at what he saw. Noah wasn't the cleanest of person and his clothes were lying all over the place, the boy had quickly gathered a few bunches and shoved them into his closet and then he came back to offer Adrian a seat but Adrian had already made himself comfortable on the red loveseat close to the TV. The room was big and Adrian looked around in search of the painting.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"Get naked!" Noah whispered so low that Adrian almost fell out of the loveseat.

"What?" Adrian was shocked, his mouth hung open. All of a sudden and he was self-conscious of his body and he felt the need to protect it. He hasn't gotten naked for anyone before and he suddenly didn't feel very comfortable anymore. "I-I can't." He whispered with a shaky voice that was barely audible but Noah heard him. Slowly Adrian sat up and his knuckles tightened into a fist. He was ready for anything and if the boy made as little as one false move he was going to forget his fist on Noah's face.

"Why not?" Noah asked concerned. He didn't fail to notice the balled fist or the tightened jaw of the other boy's and his steady glares as if he was waiting for him to launch at him. He thought about a way to avert Adrian's anger and he soon realized he knew just what to do. Gently but very slowly, he went on his knees before Adrian. He saw the shocked expression that took over the boy's face but he still hasn't let his guard down, cautiously, Noah dared to reach for one of the balled fists and when he touched Adrian he felt the boy flinch but soon relaxed and let him grab the hand, he ran a soothing circle on the fist until Adrian unclenched his knuckles and Noah kissed the hand.

"I've got you, baby. Relax, breathe." His tranquil gaze rests on Adrian as he slowly shut his eyes, he tried to even his breathing. His anxiety almost consuming him, he was terrified.

He has never thought of this possibility ever, one of the many reasons he feared relationships was because of this very reason.

This moment.

Noah didn't ask that they have sex, just that he gets naked and he was almost dying out of the Panic attack.

"I love you, Adrian. You're beautiful inside and out and I would love to paint you as you are, my Adonis." Adrian opened his eyes and they lingered on Noah as the boy let go of his hand and went on his feet, with a smirk gracing his perfect face, Noah turned and headed for the closet.

He's A Man And He Is Mine. {COMPLETED✔}Where stories live. Discover now