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In the early hours of the morning, you walked on the bridge of the base. All that sat in your stomach was a couple cups of coffee. You drank them to make up for the last three nights that consisted of an hour and a half of sleep respectfully.

The atmosphere of the base was extremely stressed. You felt it buzzing in all of the energy around you. But it did not dull your mood. Currently, your husband was on a small mission to attack the remaining Resistance fleet. He would return tonight, hopefully successful in getting a little closer to crushing them. Then, it would be back to planning on how to find Luke Skywalker.

As you walked, you observed. Your boots made loud tapping noises against the dark floors, and you nearly blended in with all of the drapes of ebony that you wore. Similar to Kylo, you dressed in a long black dress, with a hooded black cloak that dragged on the floor behind you. 

You knew that you freaked out your inferiors. Whenever you would walk by, they would jump or stiffen. It seemed that even the most ruthless of the First Order were intimidated by their new Supreme Leader; a woman they did not know. 

And they were not used to seeing their Supreme Leader walking about, unguarded and unprotected. You were not Snoke. You weren't a coward that hid in the shadows. You were strong.

As you turned a corner, you found a small droid passing by. BB-9E. He rolled by you, glanced up, beeped in surprise, then dropped its head. You watched him roll around you and go back the way he came. 

You'd never had a droid. You'd never had the opportunity to have a droid. The princesses of the kingdom never had to use mechanical things; that was the job of the security. 

But now...

"Wait," you called out. 

BB-9E stopped automatically, turning back to you. First Order droids were programmed to be without personality; they needed to be cold, calculating, and focus on only their job - and how to respect those above them. 

You dropped to your knee and peered at him as he rolled to a stop in front of you. 

"You'd take orders from me, wouldn't you?" 

He beeped. 

"Of course you would. I am the Supreme Leader."

He beeped again.

You frowned, "I need to learn how to speak droid. But I assume that you just told me yes and you agree." You touched the side of his cold exterior and then stood up. "Alright, I've made up my mind. You are going to follow me around from now on. My orders."

He beeped. You took it as him asking why. 

As you started down the hallway, he reluctantly and slowly followed you. 

"I could use a friend," you said admittedly, "and droids seem pretty loyal. A man I once knew had one following him around for a long, long time." 

He slowed to a stop again, beeping with doubt. He turned towards his old post, where his job was, and then back to you. He beeped, red sensor light flickering. 

You turned and raised your eyebrows. "You aren't coming?" 

He rolled backwards. 

"Funny, I didn't know that droids could disobey their superiors..." you taunted, and his head flew up. He beeped loudly and you smiled. "Come on. I promise you'll like this more than the job you just had."

Back in the quarters that you share with your husband, you sat on the floor, in front of your new droid.

"So can you teach me to understand you, or am I gonna have to figure it out on my own?" you asked. You shrugged and sighed. "I never had the opportunity to learn things like most people here. I was literally shut away, like all of those princesses in fairytales. Except I was a weapon. Not like other princesses."

He beeped and rolled back and forth.

"I'm being serious," you said, nodding. "Yes! I could kill anyone that approaches me in half a second. Used to, it would be on command. If my father saw someone walk through that door now-" You pointed to the door, "and he said, kill them, I would do it without hesitation. Of course, things are different now."

Suddenly, your bedroom door slid open. You looked up and smiled, seeing your husband step inside. He glanced from you to BB-9E, eyebrows up.

"You aren't supposed to take the droids," he said. "They have specific jobs to do."

You stood. "I wanted him."

"Is that supposed to convince me?" he asked, laughing low.

"No, I am not trying to convince you. It's just my reasoning. He's my friend now."

Kylo nodded, still smiling. "Your friend, huh?"

"I get bored here when you and I don't go on missions," you said. You walked over to him as he sat down on the edge of the bed. You placed your hands on his shoulders.

"You have a throne room to sit in," he said. "With guards to order around to do whatever you wish."

"I do sit in there from time to time," you said, "but I believe a Supreme Leader shouldn't cower in the shadows the way Snoke did. Besides, it is so boring without my king with me."

He tilted his head back and stared at you. You kissed him gently, smiling as you did so. Half a second later, you pulled back, moving your hands to his hair before stepping away from him.

"How did the mission go?"

"It could have gone better," he said.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Did something happen?"

He sighed. He would no longer look at you while he spoke. "No, nothing happened. I... I just-"

"Kylo," you said patiently. 

He sighed and dropped his head. "She was there."

Your face softened. "Leia?" 

He nodded, jaw suddenly tight. You crossed the room over to the bed and sat down on it. Locking your arm with his, you leaned in close, until your shoulder pressed against his.

"I wanted to kill her, to end all of it myself, but I couldn't. I was frozen. A couple of TIE Fighters took out her section on the ship - but she didn't die. And I was relieved."

You touched your hand to his and he squeezed your fingers in return.

"She is the only one that calls me to the Light," he whispered. His eyes were full of tears as he turned to look to you. "I am terrified." He slid off of the bed and rested on his knees. Knelt in front of you, he gripped both of your hands tight in his. "You have to guide me. You have to help me."

"I will," you said seriously. You touched his face. "Commander, it is you that told me to let the past die. Kill it if you have to. That's the only way to become what you are meant to be." You cupped his face in your hands and leaned down to kiss him fully on the mouth. You pulled back. "And you are meant to remain here with me."

"Yes," he whispered. "I am."

"Look," you said, shaking your head. "You are stretching yourself too thin. Let's take a couple of days off, just you and me. No fights or missions. Then we venture off to find Luke Skywalker and that girl. And we end this once and for all. Crushing the Resistance will be easy once they are dead and gone."

"You're right," he sighed.

"But you know that I would follow you anywhere. No matter which path you would take. Who I am? I am because of you. And I want to remain by your side."

He sat up more and wrapped his arms around his. His lips found yours and you smiled before melting into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in return. He moved to kiss your cheek, then buried his face in the side of your neck and hugging you tight.

BB-9E beeped loudly (he sounded annoyed). You and Kylo pulled apart.

Your husband glanced at the droid. "Okay," he said. "He cannot stay here."

You smiled. "Yes he can, Kylo."

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now