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It happened again that night.

After dinner, you and Kylo stood side by side, observing your troops preparing for the next battle.

"It is okay to be scared," he told you. Your head moved slightly to the side, away from him. You wiped a tear off of your cheek. "You are the strongest woman that I know."

He reached over and took your hand. You let him hold it, gripping his tight. You squeezed and squeezed, letting your fear show to him.

"Supreme Leaders aren't supposed to be scared," you breathed. 

He looked at you. "You are more than that."

You turned your head. A second tear slipped down your cheek as you looked up at him.

"What I sense in you is not weakness," he said. "It is strength. It is raw power. The same power that is in me."

You swallowed. "I feel as if... my soul is not my own anymore. I don't know-"

"Commander." The robotic sounding voice of Captain Phasma said behind you. You stopped speaking and glanced behind you. Your hand let go of Kylo's.

He didn't glance at her. "Yes?" 

"The General requests your presence," she said.  

You rolled your eyes. Of course he needed him at this moment.

He reached out and touched your arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I will be right back," he said, his voice soft. "You stay right here."

You nodded. Your heart squeezed in your chest when you thought of being alone, but you stopped yourself. You weren't supposed to be weak.

Kylo walked away slowly. 

"Supreme Leader. Are you all right?" 

You turned again. "Yes, Captain," you said, smiling gently. "Everything is fine."

"Pardon the intrusion, I don't mean to force myself into your public issues." 

"Please," you said, waving your hand. "You know I enjoy your company." In the last three months, you trusted Phasma more than anyone (besides Kylo). She was the one to take care of your sisters. She gave them a place in the stormtrooper program. They would be trained to be top ranking soldiers in her division. "How are my sisters?"

"They are training extraordinarily well," she said. 

"Good. That's good. Thank you, Captain."

"Of course, Supreme Leader." She went to bow, then walk away. She paused. "Supreme Leader."


"I am more than your inferior," she said. "I am your friend. If you need me for anything, I am here."

Your voice dropped to a whisper. "Thank you."

She walked away. Then you were truly alone.

And then you weren't.

You turned your head, sensing her already there. Swallowing your fear and uncertainty, you turned around.

Sure enough, standing in an oversized poncho, wet from rain, the scavenger girl stood.

"Why is the Force connecting us?" you asked. "You and I."

"Why are you with that murderous snake?" she blurted.

"There must be a reason it is-"

She was not listening. "You can tell him that I found Skywalker. I found it and he has lost. It is over." She held her chin up high.

"Did he tell you about Kylo?" you asked, and you raised your eyebrows. "About me? About how he created the two of us, made us what we are?"

"I already know everything I need to know about him," she said.

"You do," you said, nodding. "Of course you do."

"He's a monster," she whispered.

"Yes, he is."

"Then why are you there?" she asked. "Are - are you his slave? His prisoner? I don't understand."

"I am his wife," you replied.

She shook her head. "You're his wife?"

You nodded. "Yes."

She was disgusted; the emotion was visible on her pale face. "He murdered his own father. He struck him down in cold blood. How could you be married to a creature who does such an awful, vile thing?"

"I killed my father, too," you said. "Look, Rey. I know you think you have it all figured out, but you are wrong. You are wrong about how you view him, and how you view me."


"I am Supreme Leader of the First Order," you said. "Snoke and my family tormented Kylo and I for years, so we killed them. They deserved it. And in their death and ashes, we rose to be who we are now. This is the path that we have chosen."

She was pained. "Then you are a monster, too."

She feared you.

You felt it strengthen you. Suddenly, you were not scared.

"Yes," you said, stepping forward. "Yes, I am a monster. But I am free. Do you know what that feels like?" You smiled slightly. "No, you don't. But you've tasted the Darkness before. You have felt how freeing it truly is. It is worth it to give in."

She was gone. But as she was swept away, you felt droplets of rainwater against your face. You wiped them off and rubbed your fingertips against the palm of your hand.


You turned to see Kylo. "She was here," you whispered.

He crossed the room. "What did she say?"

You looked down at your hand. "She said that you and I are monsters," you said. "But she is searching for a place to belong still. Luke isn't helping her. This could work to our advantage. She could turn to the Dark or lead us to Skywalker. And no matter what she chooses, we could kill the last Jedi."

"There must be a reason she's connected to you," he said.

"There is," you agreed. "But I don't know what it is. But when she is here speaking to me, I feel like... like I am speaking to myself in a way. As if I have been split into a perfect pair." You shook your head. "It makes no sense."

"We will figure it out," he assured you. He touched your cheek, making you smile and drop your head. He stroked his thumb across your skin affectionately. "Nothing will harm you so long as I am around."

You sighed and leaned against him. Your palms lay flat on his chest and his arms encircled you. You felt his lips press to the top of his head. You shut your eyes and sighed.

This was where you were safe. This was where you were content.

If only Rey could see the monsters she knew in a moment like this one.

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now