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His eyes shot open as he lifted his head. 

His arms shook as he slowly pushed himself up onto his knees. His looked to the side and he saw you laying across the steps, eyes shut, unconscious, and surrounded by a small pool of blood.

"No," he breathed. He got up on his feet and hurriedly limped forward. He cried out, his hand pressing against the side of his stomach, where his flesh was burning with a fresh lightsaber wound. He took five steps before his leg gave out underneath him, the pain on his leg so agonizing that it stole his breath away. 

He pulled himself the rest of the way to get to you. Then, his entire body shaking in fear, anger, worry, and pain, he hovered over you. 

"Princess," he said. He reached down and tore a strip off of the bottom of his robes, then lifted your head gently to press the cloth against the wound. It only took a few seconds to become completely soaked with it. "Princess, wake up. Wake up. Come on, please. Princess-"

You woke with a start and a gasp. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand still staying at the back of your head.  

"You're okay," he breathed. "Everything's alright."

As soon as you became completely aware, you wished you were still knocked out. A rush of pain hit your conscious and you hissed, your hand flying up to touch the stinging area at the back of your head. 

You looked at him with wide eyes. One of your hands flew up to grasp the front of his shirt tight.

"Hey, hey," he said, and you looked into his eyes. "It's okay, it's okay. It's me, I'm right here.Talk to me. Please."

But you weren't checking to see if he was there or not, you were checking to see if he was okay. 

"You're... you're okay," you breathed in relief, taking in how he looked. His shirt was burned away, revealing the red, burned flesh beneath, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you'd feared. It would heal quickly. "It's just - when I saw her hit you, I-"

"I know," he said. He nodded. I'm okay."

You grabbed the side of his face and moved your fingers up through his hair, pushing it back. "I swear, I'll kill her when I see her. for what she did to you."

His lips twitched upwards slightly and he leaned in to kiss you quickly. Then he pulled away, lifting your head carefully. 

"We need to get this bleeding to stop," he said. 

"Yeah," you said, eyeing the blood stained steps. It made your stomach turn slightly. 

You started to sit up, and Kylo kept the piece of cloth pressed against the back of your head the whole time. You grunted and closed your eyes tight as you felt your brain pound against your skull.

"Take it slow," he said. 

"I'm okay," you reassured him. You didn't have time to take it slow. "I'm okay."

You glanced at him, then looked around. Sparks fell from the lights on the ceiling. Nearly everything was dented, crushed, smashed, or shattered. Smears of blood stained the steps. And Rey was gone.

"Where did she go?" you asked. 

"I don't know," he said. "My guess is she stole a ship and left." 

"We have to stop her," you said. 

You and Kylo, clutching one another, stood up on wobbly legs. You felt ridiculous - you were defeated in combat by the girl. Both of you were. Your weaknesses were each other and it seriously hurt your ability to fight. 

The doors slid open. Hux walked in, his usual quick pace slowing down as he took in the appearance of the trashed throne room and the injured Commander and Supreme Leader. It took everything in you not to go off on him right away. You could tell by the gleam in his eyes that he had a comment right on his tongue.

"I'm warning you now," you said, holding up a hand. "I will order your execution here and now."

His eyes flashed, but he ignored you. "What. Happened. This time?" he asked slowly, each word spat through his clenched teeth.

"That scavenger girl," Kylo said. "She attacked us. Attempted to kill the Supreme Leader."

"What?" Hux asked. "You let her on the base? Just when I think you couldn't possibly get more stupid, Ren, you surprise me." 

Your blood boiled, but you said nothing. 

"We need to get on my ship and go find her," Kylo said to you, ignoring the General.

"Look at you two. Neither of you are well enough to even stand without falling on top of one another." He shook his head in disappointment. "Go to the medics quickly. The Resistance has made a last ditch effort to flee from our grasp. It's time to end this once and for all."

"They're fleeing?"

"They are."

"And we have their coordinates?" you asked. 

"We do. We are capable of tracking them through lightspeed right now."

You nodded. "Then we have no time to waste on medics," you said, looking at Kylo. "We need to be prepared to fight now."

"What about the gaping wound on the back of your head?" Hux asked. 

"We'll being the medics on board," you said. "We can't waste any time, Kylo."

"You're right," he said. He looked and General Hux and jerked his chin towards the door. "Go prepare your troops and the ships. We are going there now."

"As if either of you are fit to command my army-"

"Enough," you shouted, your voice echoing. "You are not in charge here, General. You need to learn your place."

His eyes narrowed. "Perhaps it is you who should learn yours," he said. "You can keep pretending you gained the title of Supreme Leader the right way all you want, but I am warning you now-" He stepped closer to you. You looked up at him, your face remaining stiff with anger. "Execution is the punishment for murder of the highest form. As is treason."

Kylo grabbed his arm. His teeth clenched. "Back away from her now."

Hux did so, staring at you with a sinister smile.

You were not afraid. 

You hooked your arm with Kylo's, ready to carry half of his weight.

"We can't waste anymore time," you said. "Prepare your troops, General. Or else."

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now