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You sat seated on your throne, BB-9E at your feet, Kylo standing at your side. The room was silent; your ears were ringing with it.

Finally, you felt something.

You opened your eyes.

"She's here," you said.

Without another word, Kylo walked out of the room. You took in a deep, shaking breath and then regained your composure.

BB-9E beeped.

"If you're asking if I'm scared, the answer is yes. I am." You glanced at him. He beeped again. "You were asking?" He nodded once. "Oh. Yes." Your eyes fixated on the door, where you felt them well up with tears. "I am terrified."

/ / /

Rey, handcuffed, glanced over her shoulder. "You don't need to do this, Ben," she said. "I know you think you have no choice now, but that is not true."

When he did not answer, she turned towards him. 

"Ben when I spoke to her, I saw your future. It is entwined with hers. I saw the possibility of peace and belonging. You both could make the choice to turn to the Light. Redemption-"

"Is possible, if we wanted it," Kylo said. "We don't."

"Why?" she shook her head. "The Dark side leads to failure. Leads to death and decay."

He didn't change his composure. "When the time comes," he said, "you will turn, you will show us Skywalker, or you will die." The doors opened. He grabbed her by the elbow and shoved her forward towards the throne room. 

When those doors opened, she saw, for the first time, you in person. 

When you saw her, you stood from your seat. She was pushed forward by Kylo, who then dropped down on his knee in front of you. She turned to look - and she was surprised. He wasn't the one in charge of your choices after all. 

"You need to leave," you said to Rey, gaining her attention. You stepped off of the throne and onto level ground with her. 

"I'm here to save you," she said. "Both of you, if you give me the chance." 

You walked around her to Kylo. In his hands was her blue lightsaber. He looked at you as he held it up to offer it to you. You took it from him, pausing to touch his shoulder. 

"We don't want to be saved. We don't need to be saved." You raised your chin as you turned back to her and walked to stand directly in front of her. "So you have two choices, Rey. You either show us where Skywalker is, or you leave. I don't want to kill you, but I will."

"I saw in my vision-"

"What?" you demanded, eyes flashing. "What did you see? Me going to Skywalker and begging for forgiveness for all I have planned? Us going to his family and asking them to help our souls?" You laughed. "You don't understand. There is no good side nor bad side here. There's just where you belong. Have you found where you belong yet?" 

She didn't answer. 

"No," you answered for you. "You haven't." 

You turned and walked back up the steps to sit at the throne. 

"You could belong here, you know," you said. "Or you could belong there. Whatever you choose, this will still be true. The First Order and the Resistance will be at war until one inevitably falls. Then another force will rise up against them. There will always be war, always be fighting. There is no good. There is no bad. There is only war. Choose your side."

"Reconsider yours," she hissed. "You think you are the only one that isn't torn by the choice? I can feel his soul. He has people he loves on both side. If you weren't on this one, then he could change.

"You are the one that truly lead him to the Dark all those years ago. You are the one that corrupted his mind. Him falling in love with you sealed his fate. Of course he turned to the Dark. Of course Snoke was able to gain hold of his mind. You had forced yourself inside of it and showed him the way of your father. If you weren't in the picture, he would turn." She glared at you. "I see that now." 

There was a beat of hesitation, and then she moved. 

Using the Force, she broke the handcuffs in two. Her hands opened, the lightsaber flew from your grip to hers. She ignited it and ran towards you-

Kylo stood up. He ignited his lightsaber and turned it on her. Just in time, she raised hers up to deflect. He pushed her until she staggered away, turning in a circle before lunging at you again. 

You stood still as you watched the two fight, lightsabers clashing together. Sparks of blue and red rained around them. 

He backed her up against the wall. His lightsaber was above hers, pushing harder and harder. 

"Ben," she pleaded, sweat pouring down her face, "don't do this. You have a choice."

"I made my choice," he replied. 

Her face twisted. She dropped her lightsaber from her hands. Before Kylo could do anything, she dropped to her knees, grabbed the weapon as it fell, and spun on her heels. The blue plasma met with his leg and he fell down, crying out. 

She stood to bring the weapon on him-

You were there already. His lightsaber flew up and you caught it. You swung it at her, pushing her away from him. 

"That is enough," you shouted. "Tell me where Skywalker has been hiding, Rey. Then leave before I kill you now."

"Why don't you kill me?" she asked. "What are you so afraid of?" 

You glared at her. "Our souls are connected. I don't want to kill you, but I will. But I am willing to offer you a chance." 

She shook her head, then raised her lightsaber. 

It hit yours with such force that you were pushed backwards, the heels of your boots digging into the ground to still yourself. She kept coming forward, swinging with all the strength that she could. 

You caught her on the arm, making her cry out. As she faltered, Kylo, with a heavy limp, wrapped one arm around her, locking her in place. He wrapped the other around her throat. She dropped the weapon. You took it. 

"Rey," you said, teeth clenched, lightsaber pointed at her face. "Tell us now."

She shook her head. "Redemption-"

"We don't want redemption," you insisted through gritted teeth. "Not every villain longs for it."

"Then I am truly sorry," she said. 

She shouted. As she did, you watched her throw her elbow into Kylo's side. She pushed away from him, and her hands shot out. She picked up the lightsaber and ignited it as she sliced upwards. You felt the Force throw Kylo away from her.

"Kylo-!" you screamed, watching him hit the ground. 

She turned on you and threw her hands forward.

"Kylo-!" You felt your own body get launched backwards into the air - and the sharp pain of the back of your head meeting the corner of the steps. 

Then there was nothing. 

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now