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One of the pilots pressed a blue frozen pack to the side of your head. You flinched at their touch, glaring daggers in their eyes as they held it against your head anyway. 

"I don't get it," a man with dark, curly hair and caramel colored skin said. "Why did we pick her up in the first place? She was just firing at us, and you want to throw her a line and help her out?" 

"Be quiet, Poe," General Leia Organa said, holding up a hand. "I just stopped thinking you were a complete moron. Don't make me change my mind on you again."

He shut his mouth and sighed. 

Leia looked at you. "We would be stupid to kill her." 

"Why? They kill us all of the time."

She shook her head. "It just would."

She rose from her seat. She walked towards you slowly. She looked like royalty.

"Who are you?" she asked you. 

You didn't answer her. You only watched her as she stood over you.

Her face was still soft. "Please," she said. 

After a beat of silence, she sighed and dropped her head, then smiled. She sat down next to you and turned her body towards yours. 

"My son," she started, "he is there. I know you recognize me. How? Who are you?"

Your voice was barely above a whisper. "I am the Supreme Leader of the First Order."

Poe's eyes widened. His hand flew to his blaster, and Leia held up a hand.

"Supreme Leader," he repeated. "How is that possible?"

"What about Snoke?" Leia asked. 

"He's dead," you said. "I killed him." 

Leia's dark brown eyes widened, not with shock, but with interest. With happiness. "My son," she said, the words tinted with fondness and pain all in one. "You know him, don't you?"

"I do," you breathed. "You know me, General. You've never met me but you have heard of me. I was the one that Luke sent away because he claimed I tempted your son to tip towards the Dark too much. I was the girl that Ben Solo turned to the Dark for."

She did not grow angry, like you assumed she would. Instead, she her pink lips pulled upward into a genuine smile. 

"I do know you." She scooted closer to you and folded her hands together on top of her lap. "Will you please... will you please just tell me about him? I just need to hear that my son isn't completely lost."

"He isn't lost," you said, "he isn't lost at all. He's happy with me."

"He's a murderer," Poe said, arms crossed. 

"So are you all. Or did you forget what you just did to my ship?" 

"The few that were killed there are nothing compared to the hundreds that your husband has slain alone. Women and children."

"I can't speak for what my husband did before we found each other," you said. You glared at him, then looked back to Leia. "Your son genuinely loves me and cares about me. And I can promise you that if he thinks I am in danger at all, things will get bad for the entire Resistance."

"You're not in the place to make threats," Poe said. "Keep quiet and sit there."

/ / /

They took you to a planet that you didn't know. The entire ground was made of salt, the sky had no clouds or moons; just a single bright sun that reflected off of the white crystals on the ground and burned your eyes. You squinted against it as you were shuffled inside of an old abandoned Resistance grounds. 

Poe gripped you by the shoulder and shoved you down so you sat on the ground. You shot him a dirty look but remained there, sitting on your knees, your cuffed hands on your lap. 

You stared at him as he walked off, then turned your head to Leia, who was staring outside.

You sensed it. The First Order was coming. 

General Organa turned her head. "They're coming," she said. "Shut the door."

Ships broke through the blueness of the sky and started to fire. You stood up hastily to your feet, ready to take off towards them. Poe reached down, grabbed you by your elbow, and tossed you behind him. You fell on your back in the salt and flinched. 

The ship wrecked inside just as the door closed, and you watched as two Resistance members disguised as First Order high ranking officers stepped out. 

But only a few minutes later, the First Order was ready to attack. You overheard the Resistance discussing their plans to stay hidden until help came. 

Cowards, you thought. You sat up and got on your knees. 

"A battering ram canon," the Resistance member disguised as a First Order officer said. 

"A what now?" Poe asked. 

"A miniaturized Death Star tech. It'll crack that door open like an egg." 

"There has to be a back way out of here, right?" the female Resistance member asked. 

As they started to discuss possibilities, you stood up to your feet. You moved away from Poe, eyes on the doors that they would soon destroy if the Rebels hid any more. 

If you reached out to Kylo and told him that you were here, then the Resistance wouldn't die today. If you didn't reach out, then your husband would have to live with the fact that in his success, he killed you, too. Unless he currently believed that you had been killed in the explosion, which was possible.

/ / /

They prepared for battle; taking places in trenches. All pilots took off in old spacecrafts that were breaking as they drove them. You were standing in the open doorway, in the shadows, Leia by your side. 

You saw all of the machinery and weapons and ships that your side was bringing, and you knew that it would be an easy defeat. 

"You're going to lose a lot of people if you let this go on," you told Leia, who walked back and forth from equipment. You could tell she was worried. 

"Yes, well, they'll lose you too, if they continue to do this," she said, walking around you. "They have to press on."

Minutes later, everyone came back inside. The ray had hit the door-

"Our distress signal has been received at several points... but no response."

"They've heard us... but no one's coming."

You looked around. You couldn't stay here and wait for death like the Resistance. Annoyed and frustrated, you turned around and walked towards the back of of the room. 

Then you stopped. You felt something. 

"Luke," you whispered at the same time. You turned on your heels-

And you saw him. 

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora